I've run the PHP install on two different Windows Vista/IIS machines with the same results. When I am done with the install, I am offered two buttons: One says go to my site, the other says go to the Administration site.

At the end of my install, everything looks good. My Administration site looks good. My MySQL database is poplulated and looks good. I gave write access to "everyone" and the install seemed to have no problem updating the configuration.php files.

What doesn't look good is my main site. There is no index.php in the web site root, so browsing to the root gives me nothing (on my two test boxes). On my hosted site, it sends me to the default hoster site (there is another person on this forum who seems to have run into this too).

FYI I am a developer, so I have been trying to debug this, but figured I'd ask the forum to see if I could get a quicker answer.

Should the installation process be creating me an index.php file in the root?
If so, can somebody point me to a template for this file? Maybe a sample from thier own successfully-installed site?

I think I can fake the rest of it if I had a sample index.php to start with.
