I was hoping one of you developers can tell me which piece of code to edit for this.

When you checkout of ZenCart, there is the text box where you can redeem a gift certificate code, and next to it, there is an Apply Amount box for typing in your balance.

I want to remove ONLY the redemption box but leave the Apply Amount box.

This is because our customers are finding it confusing because they redeem their gift certificate code previously, then come to checkout, and they are entering the code again which throws an invalid error (because the code has already been redeemed).

The best way around this is for us to simply remove that redemption box and only leave the Apply Amount box. I had seen some code to remove, but when I removed it, it also removed the redemption box from the Coupon Redemption as well, and we need that one to stay in place.

So is there any editing that can be done to only remove the GC redemption box from the checkout page, and yet, still leave the Apply Amount and Coupon Redemption box in place?