Hi Zenners,
For what reason will make a zencart install that states the installation is finished not display the index? It will state "Click to enter store or Admin to configure.
With previous installs for other domains, the store index will display but not allow you the Admin screen to configure. Now my Index page of the store will not even display.

Measures taken include
1.reinstalling zencart 3x for www.saginfoods.com/estore
Because admin page will not load.
The same is for www.rootsvibe.com.

2. Reinstall for www.charlottfieldsintlfooddist.com
index page will not load, no access to admin screen though all installations goes through all the Install processes.

N.B (a) I have dowloaded new copies of zencart, unzipped and uploaded for setup on my servers.
(b) None of the previous databases setup for the previous installs were used.
(c) I do enable SSL, but it is one issued by my Hosting service.
(d) Files/ directories are being given their instructed permissions and being removed after install.

What do I do? (my testing site however has both the store and Admin pages loading - www.tropicxotic.com)
