I am making a wholesale version of a retail web site for a client. I made a new directory in their root named "buywholesale" and had ZC 1.3.9d installed by GoDaddy. I then copied all my custom files from Shop and loaded them into their respective places in Buywholesale. I also downloaded the database from Shop and uploaded it to the Buywholesale database hoping when I was done I'd had a duplicate of the original site. Then I could just go in and change prices and other minor things. Not so.

Here's what the original ZC site looks like: http://herdoos.com

Here's what the new site looks like: http://herdoos.com/buywholesale

Pretty messed up.

My custom navigation on the left is missing, search is missing, my Flash is missing and although the categories are picked up from the database, the products are not recognized as being assigned to the categories. I looked in the new db and the products are there. When I log into Admin/Product Types it shows 91 products under Product - General, so it knows there in there somewhere.


1. Can you tell what files I failed to move over to the new directory? I'm so frazzled right now I can't remember my own name.

2. How to assign already existing products to the categories?

3. Where is the information from Admin/Configuration get stored? I thought it would be in the main database, but the information didn't transfer and it would be so much easier to just duplicate it from the original site.

Answers would not only be greatly appreciated, but you will be bestowed with good karma for the rest of your life.