I'm having a problem that's making me a little nuts and I'm hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.

I installed the Simple Google Analytics add on and the ecommerce tracking code did not appear to be generated in the page source. The normal tracking code was generated correclty.

I posted in the support thread for the add on and the owner of the add-on discovered that it is in fact being generated. It's just not being generated in my Firefox browser. Placing an order from a different browser on the same PC or using a Firefox browser on a different PC works as expected.

I added a line of code to echo the value of the main_page variable. This variable is being tested in the add-on to determine if the page is checkout_success. On my Firefox browser the value is being returned as time_out on the checkout success page even though the page is displaying properly. As a result the if path is never being followed. I've tried clearing cache, cookies, and running FF in safe mode with no change.

Any ideas?