I am having a problem with my Define Pages Editor where any page I attempt to edit displays the html code after I save the edits.

To explain further- everything was working fine, I pulled up the website and everything looked normal. Opened the main page in define pages editor (htmlarea) to insert one line about ordering in time for Christmas, saved the change, refreshed the website, and was looking at a bunch of code.

I got to looking at the code and noticed several strange characters which looked like an uppercase A with an accent mark over it. Most of these were in front of apostrophe's but not all.

I have tried going into the file manager at my host and deleting everything there on define_main_page.php.

I have replaced define_main_page.php and the new copy does the same thing.

All other pages looked fine. As a test I opened my privacy statement page in define pages editor, I made no changes to the page, just oprned it and then saved it again and it does the same thing.

I did upgrade to 1.3.9g a couple of days ago and this is the first time I have attempted to edit a page since the upgrade. Meanwhile I have taken the site down for maintenance.

Any ideas what's up here?