I really need help with debug errors I am getting. I know it must be from the add on - News Article Summary.

PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for newsDisplay::newsHeader(), called in /includes/templates/mytempname/templates/tpl_news_article_default.php on line 35 and defined in /includes/classes/news.php on line 27

Here is tpl_news_article_default.php some before and after line 35:
HTML Code:
	// Start the news display class
	$newsDisplay = new newsDisplay();

	// News header

	// Set article heading

	// Set by line
	$newsDisplay->articleByLine(sprintf(TEXT_ARTICLE_BY_LINE, $articleAuthor), $commentsURL, (($comments > 0) ? sprintf(TEXT_POST_COMMENT_1, $comments) : TEXT_POST_COMMENT_2));

	// Set article main text
	$newsDisplay->articleText($articleText, $articleImage);

	// Set article links


	// News SubFooter
	$newsDisplay->articleFooter(sprintf(TEXT_NEWS_FOOTER_OTHER, $newsSubFooterDate), $newsSubFooter, $newsSubFooterDateURL, sprintf(TEXT_NEWS_FOOTER_URL, $newsSubFooterDate));

	// News Footer
	$newsDisplay->articleFooter(sprintf(TEXT_NEWS_FOOTER, $newsFooterDate), $newsFooter, $newsFooterDateURL, sprintf(TEXT_NEWS_FOOTER_URL, $newsFooterDate));

	// Recent News Footer
	$newsDisplay->articleFooter(TEXT_RECENT_NEWS, $newsRecentFooter);

	// Archive link
	$newsDisplay->archiveLink(zen_href_link(FILENAME_NEWS_ARCHIVE), TEXT_NEWS_ARCHIVE_LINK);

	// Display this news page
	// New page content is output in valid XHTML
	// You can change how it displays in the stylesheet_news.css file
Here is /includes/classes/news.php on line 27:

PHP Code:

newsHeader($header$date$links_array false) {
$this->news_page .= '<div class="newsHeader"><h1>' $header '</h1></div>' "\n";
$this->news_page .= '<div class="newsHeadlineText">' $date;

            if (
$links_array && is_array($links_array)) {
                foreach (
$links_array as $link) {
$this->news_page .= ' | <a href="' $link['link'] . '">' $link['text'] . '</a>';
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/classes/news.php on line 103

Line 103 and little before it and after looks like this:
HTML Code:

		function articleLinksBlock($links_block) {
			foreach ($links_block as $links) {
				$this->news_page .= '<ul class="articleLinkList">' . "\n";

				// Offsite Links
				foreach ($links['offsiteLinks'] as $thisLink) {
					$this->news_page .= '  <li><a href="' . $thisLink['link'] . '" target="_blank">' . $thisLink['text'] . '</a></li>' . "\n";
Hope this helps! Kim