I am using Zen Cart version 1.3.9

I have submitted my site to ANZ for go live approval and now have one remaining obstacle to resolve before they will approve, it's become a bit of a show stopper and I cant for the life of me figure out how to resolve.

The problem is if I run an unsuccessful transaction ($xx.10) then a successful transaction ($xx.00) my site times out on the receipt page. E.g. My checkout page passes info to egate then back to my reciept page where it display the unsuccessful error and everything works as it should. If from this receipt page I click back back back etc on the browser it will go back through egate back to my site and back to my check out page then if I try to rerun the transaction, I can proceed through the checkout again, make payment via egate and instead of redirecting back to the receipt page it will give me the "Whoops! Your session has expired." with the option to log back in again.

This means that the transaction has been approved and money deducted from the customers account but because the session has timed out the order has not be completed so the transactions is not entered into the users account in zen cart and emails of the order are not sent etc.

I am doubtful that anyone will be able to help me with this but thought I would put it out there to see if anyone else has been able to resolve.
