I have asked for help in the Testimonial module support thread, but NO ONE has answered, so I am not sure where to go from here.

I installed the testimonial manager. I set up the admin profile for my admin person to be able to access the testimonial from the main screens.

HOWEVER, it's not working. Under the Admin user preferences, it's all selected correctly, and the items are showing in her drop down menu in admin, but when she click on the option, she gets the following message:

Sorry, your security clearance does not allow you to access this resource.

Please contact your site administrator if you believe this to be incorrect.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

It works ONLY for the Admin SUPER USER accounts.

How do I fix this? I need to get her access to it, without having to give her superuser access, and I need to get this done ASAP, as this has been an outstanding issue that I have posted on here for over 2 weeks now.

If there is ANYONE that can help, or lead me in the right direction!

(BTW, all the other modules I have uploaded, such as super orders, etc, they all work fine and there is no problem with the admin access in them, only seems to be with this Testimonial Manager Module)