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  1. #31
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by kamelion0927 View Post

    The only other suggestion I have is to restore the backed up version of your database and run the sql statement again. If you didn't back up, you can try to run the uninstall.sql through mySQL (directly in your database).
    When running the uninstall v.2.2 SQL patch from inside the store, I found that the faqs table did not exist:
    6 statements processed.
    ERROR: No se puede borrar la tabla faqs porque no existe.
    Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details.
    I then ran the uninstall v2. SQL and got exactly the same reply as above. I installed v 2.2 anew and the reply on running the SQL patch was the same as the one reported in my first post, namely:
    20 statements processed.
    ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details.

    The problem remained the same
    So this suggests to me that the faqs table is prevented from installatation from extant configuration_key ocurring twice in the install script. Furthermore, neither uninstall scripts have been able to remove said configuration_key. Could it be removed by a specific query? is it possible that another module needs it?

  2. #32
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by arsanat View Post
    So this suggests to me that the faqs table is prevented from installatation from extant configuration_key ocurring twice in the install script. Furthermore, neither uninstall scripts have been able to remove said configuration_key. Could it be removed by a specific query? is it possible that another module needs it?
    The module Product Pagination for Zen Cart v 1.4.3 uses configuration_key also, for example in the statement:

    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added) VALUES ('Products Pagination — Maximum Links', 'PRODUCTS_PAGINATION_MAX', '10', 'This is the maximum number of product links to be displayed before pagination begins. This value should be greater than the number of Intermediate Links

    Just as with Faq Manager v2.2, y got the same error for each of 4 insert statementes, namely:

    ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists

    So, is this a case of conflicting plug ins? the first to be installed wins? or is perhaps something I did wrongly?

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    arsanat, your problem seems to be due to the use of 'backticks' in the FAQ module's installation SQL; there's a ZC wiki article on this (

    Anyway, if you edit the /v1.5 and v1.5.1 install/faq_install.sql file to remove the 'backticks' and re-run the SQL (after running the uninstall SQL) it should be OK. I've highlighted the sections in red that you'll need to edit (and I didn't include the entire installation SQL file):

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      parent_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      sort_order int(3) default NULL,
      date_added datetime default NULL,
      last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faq_categories_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_parent_id (parent_id),
      KEY idx_sort_order (sort_order)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories_description;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories_description (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faq_categories_name varchar(400) NOT NULL default '',
      faq_categories_description text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id,language_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_name (faq_categories_name)
    CREATE TABLE faqs (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
      faqs_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faqs_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
      faqs_sort_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      master_faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_faqs_date_added (faqs_date_added)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `faqs_description`;
    CREATE TABLE `faqs_description` (
      `faqs_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      `faqs_name` varchar(500) NOT NULL default '',
      `faqs_answer` text,
      `faqs_viewed` int(5) default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (`faqs_id`,`language_id`),
      KEY `faqs_name` (`faqs_name`)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_to_faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faqs_to_faq_categories (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,faq_categories_id)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `faqs_featured`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `faqs_featured` (
      `featured_faqs_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `faqs_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `featured_date_added` datetime default NULL,
      `featured_last_modified` datetime default NULL,
      `expires_date` date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      `date_status_change` datetime default NULL,
      `status` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      `featured_date_available` date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      PRIMARY KEY  (`featured_faqs_id`),
      KEY `idx_status_zen` (`status`),
      KEY `idx_faqs_id_zen` (`faqs_id`),
      KEY `idx_date_avail_zen` (`featured_date_available`),
      KEY `idx_expires_date_zen` (`expires_date`)
    I've seen this error on another plugin (don't remember which), and it seems to be highly related to the version of MySQL that you are running. If you use your admin's Tools->Server/Version Information, you'll see what version of mySQL your shop runs on ... it might be interesting for others to know what version that is.
    Last edited by lat9; 22 Oct 2012 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Need to run uninstall script, first.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    arsanat, your problem seems to be due to the use of 'backticks' in the FAQ module's installation SQL; there's a ZC wiki article on this (

    Anyway, if you edit the /v1.5 and v1.5.1 install/faq_install.sql file to remove the 'backticks' and re-run the SQL (after running the uninstall SQL) it should be OK. I've highlighted the sections in red that you'll need to edit (and I didn't include the entire installation SQL file):
    I've seen this error on another plugin (don't remember which), and it seems to be highly related to the version of MySQL that you are running. If you use your admin's Tools->Server/Version Information, you'll see what version of mySQL your shop runs on ... it might be interesting for others to know what version that is.
    The hosting data for my store is:
    Database: MySQL 5.0.92-log
    Server Date: 10/24/2012 18:32:04 Database Date: 10/24/2012 11:32:04
    HTTP Server: Apache
    PHP Version: 5.3.14 (Zend: 2.3.0) PHP Memory Limit: 64M PHP Safe Mode: Off
    PHP File Uploads: On Max Size: 32M POST Max Size: 33M

    I am in the process of editing v1.5.1 install/faq_install.sql file to remove the 'backticks' . Thanks

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    arsanat, your problem seems to be due to the use of 'backticks' in the FAQ module's installation SQL; there's a ZC wiki article on this (

    Anyway, if you edit the /v1.5 and v1.5.1 install/faq_install.sql file to remove the 'backticks' and re-run the SQL (after running the uninstall SQL) it should be OK. I've highlighted the sections in red that you'll need to edit (and I didn't include the entire installation SQL file):
    I have edited out backticks from the install and uninstall sql files for v2.2. I had uninstalled previously with the unedited script, but on trying to install the edited script I get the following log debug message:

    [25-Oct-2012 06:49:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: 1064:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''faqs_description'' at line 1 :: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_'faqs_description'; in /home/content/01/9781801/html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 120

    The corresponding edited code seems to me to be:
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'faqs_description';
    CREATE TABLE 'faqs_description' (
      'faqs_id' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      'language_id' int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      'faqs_name' varchar(500) NOT NULL default '',
      'faqs_answer' text,
      'faqs_viewed' int(5) default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  ('faqs_id','language_id'),
      KEY 'faqs_name' ('faqs_name')
    Please help me find the reason for the bug. Thank you

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    You've changed the backticks to quotes instead of removing them. Here's an updated version of the install SQL:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      parent_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      sort_order int(3) default NULL,
      date_added datetime default NULL,
      last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faq_categories_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_parent_id (parent_id),
      KEY idx_sort_order (sort_order)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories_description;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories_description (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faq_categories_name varchar(400) NOT NULL default '',
      faq_categories_description text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id,language_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_name (faq_categories_name)
    CREATE TABLE faqs (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
      faqs_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faqs_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
      faqs_sort_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      master_faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_faqs_date_added (faqs_date_added)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_description;
    CREATE TABLE faqs_description (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faqs_name varchar(500) NOT NULL default '',
      faqs_answer text,
      faqs_viewed int(5) default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,language_id),
      KEY faqs_name (faqs_name)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_to_faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faqs_to_faq_categories (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,faq_categories_id)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_featured;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS faqs_featured (
      featured_faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      featured_date_added datetime default NULL,
      featured_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      expires_date date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      date_status_change datetime default NULL,
      status int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      featured_date_available date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      PRIMARY KEY  (featured_faqs_id),
      KEY idx_status_zen (status),
      KEY idx_faqs_id_zen (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_date_avail_zen (featured_date_available),
      KEY idx_expires_date_zen (expires_date)
    SELECT @cid:=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'FAQ Manager';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (NULL, 'FAQ Manager', 'Set FAQ Manager Options', '1', '1');
    SET @cid=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @cid WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid;
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    (NULL, 'Admin - Configuration Group ID', 'FAQ_LISTS_GROUP_ID_ALL', @cid, '<br/>Warning: Only change this if your FAQs Group ID has changed from the default<br /><br/>What is the configuration_group_id for FAQ Listings?<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Admin - Maximum FAQ Categories FAQs Display List', 'MAX_DISPLAY_RESULTS_FAQ_CATEGORIES', '10', '<br/>Number of FAQs to list per screen in the admin display<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Status', 'DEFINE_FAQ_BREADCRUMB_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the breadcrumb on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 9, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Seperator', 'FAQ_BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR', ':', '<br/>Enter the separator symbol to appear between links on the FAQ breadcrumb<br/><br/>Note: Include spaces with the &amp;nbsp; symbol if you want them part of the separator.<br /><br/>Default = &amp;nbsp;::&amp;nbsp;', @cid, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small('),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 11, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 12, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Sort Order', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_SORT', '1', '<br/>Sort order of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 13, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name DESC\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Sort Order, FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Sort Order\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Back Button Status', 'FAQ_INFO_BACK_BUTTON', '1', '<br/>Show the back button on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 14, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display', 'MAX_DISPLAY_FAQS_ALL', '20', '<br/>Number of FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 20, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Default Sort Order', 'FAQ_SORT_DEFAULT', '3', '<br/>Sets the default FAQ sort order<br />', @cid, 22, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name A - Z\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Name Z - A\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Category Name with Admin Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'Admin Defined Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'6\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Oldest First\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Newest First\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Display Sorter', 'FAQ_ALL_DISPLAY_SORT_ORDER', '1', '<br/>Show the FAQ sorter on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 23, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 24, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 25, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Show Featured FAQs', 'SHOW_FEATURED_FAQS_INDEX', '1', 'Show featured FAQs on the main FAQ index page?', @cid, 26, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display Featured FAQs', 'MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS_FEATURED_FAQ', '5', '<br/>Number of featured FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 27, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Show Counter', 'SHOW_FAQ_COUNTS', 'true', '<br/>Count recursively how many products are in each category<br/><br/>default=true<br/>', @cid, 50, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Prefix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_PREFIX', '&nbsp;(', '<br/>What do you want to prefix the FAQ count with?<br/><br/>Default= "&nbsp;("<br/>', @cid, 51, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Suffix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_SUFFIX', ')', '<br/>What do you want as a suffix to the FAQ count?<br/><br/>Default= ")"<br/>', @cid, 52, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Categories with 0 FAQs Status', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_ZERO', '1', '<br/>Show FAQ Count for categories with no active FAQs?<br/>', @cid, 53, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),' ),
    (NULL, 'Display FAQ Name', 'FAQ_ALL_LIST_NAME', '2101', 'Do you want to display the FAQ Name?<br /><br />0= off<br />1st digit Left or Right<br />2nd and 3rd digit Sort Order<br />4th digit number of breaks after<br />', @cid, 82, NOW(), NULL, NULL); 
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order) VALUES ('configFAQManager','BOX_CATALOG_FAQ_MANAGER','FILENAME_FAQ_MANAGER',CONCAT('gID=',@cid),'extras','Y',@cid);
    and an updated version of the uninstall SQL:

    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT @configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'FAQ Manager'
    LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key = 'configFAQManager' LIMIT 1;
    DROP TABLE faqs ,
    faqs_description ,
    faqs_featured ,
    faqs_to_faq_categories ,
    faq_categories ,
    faq_categories_description ;
    In each case, I've removed the backticks and added the bits in red, per this post by swguy:

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Just a few questions.....

    I have installed this mod on our testing server with the hope of putting it on our live site when I'm sure everything is working.

    1. installed sql - sucess!
    2. installed catalog files - success!
    3. installed admin files - white screen in admin, removed config.faq.manager.php in admin/auto_loaders admin now works and faqs also work. Is it correct to remove the file after install in this mod?
    4. set categories box to show on top of left column - white screen after properly displayed header. Looks like page will show properly until it reaches the categories box code then stops responding. Tweaked code in includes/modules/sideboxes/faq_categories.php. Managed to get site working, but no sign of a category box. Is this normal?

    Basically wipped out section:

    PHP Code:
    //   $show_faq_categories = true;
    // if ($_GET['main_page']=='faqs_all' or $_GET['main_page']=='faq_info')  {
      // show it
    //  $show_faq_categories = true; 
    //} else {
      // do not show it
    //  $show_faq_categories = false;
    Also tried changing the = to ==.
    PHP Code:
    if ($show_faq_categories == true) {
    $_GET['main_page']=='faqs_all' or $_GET['main_page']=='faq_info');
    // show it
    $show_faq_categories == true
    } else {
    // do not show it
    $show_faq_categories == false;

    Not the correct thing to do but it brought my page back. Of cause the other thing to do was to hide the box in layout boxes controller.
    Apart from that, I have created some categories and questions, placed links in the information sidebox and product info. All of which work perfectly.
    Rather hestitant to put it on our live site until I'm sure about the categories box.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by honda-crunch View Post
    Just a few questions.....

    I have installed this mod on our testing server with the hope of putting it on our live site when I'm sure everything is working.

    1. installed sql - sucess!
    2. installed catalog files - success!
    3. installed admin files - white screen in admin, removed config.faq.manager.php in admin/auto_loaders admin now works and faqs also work. Is it correct to remove the file after install in this mod?
    4. set categories box to show on top of left column - white screen after properly displayed header. Looks like page will show properly until it reaches the categories box code then stops responding. Tweaked code in includes/modules/sideboxes/faq_categories.php. Managed to get site working, but no sign of a category box. Is this normal?

    Basically wipped out section:

    PHP Code:
    //   $show_faq_categories = true;
    // if ($_GET['main_page']=='faqs_all' or $_GET['main_page']=='faq_info')  {
      // show it
    //  $show_faq_categories = true; 
    //} else {
      // do not show it
    //  $show_faq_categories = false;
    Also tried changing the = to ==.
    PHP Code:
    if ($show_faq_categories == true) {
    $_GET['main_page']=='faqs_all' or $_GET['main_page']=='faq_info');
    // show it
    $show_faq_categories == true
    } else {
    // do not show it
    $show_faq_categories == false;

    Not the correct thing to do but it brought my page back. Of cause the other thing to do was to hide the box in layout boxes controller.
    Apart from that, I have created some categories and questions, placed links in the information sidebox and product info. All of which work perfectly.
    Rather hestitant to put it on our live site until I'm sure about the categories box.
    What version of zen cart are you using? If you're getting a white screen, there will be an error log in either your cache folder (if you're using version 1.39 or 1.5) or in the log folder (if you're using v1.51).

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    You've changed the backticks to quotes instead of removing them. Here's an updated version of the install SQL:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      parent_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      sort_order int(3) default NULL,
      date_added datetime default NULL,
      last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faq_categories_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_parent_id (parent_id),
      KEY idx_sort_order (sort_order)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faq_categories_description;
    CREATE TABLE faq_categories_description (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faq_categories_name varchar(400) NOT NULL default '',
      faq_categories_description text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id,language_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_name (faq_categories_name)
    CREATE TABLE faqs (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
      faqs_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faqs_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
      faqs_sort_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      master_faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_faqs_date_added (faqs_date_added)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_description;
    CREATE TABLE faqs_description (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faqs_name varchar(500) NOT NULL default '',
      faqs_answer text,
      faqs_viewed int(5) default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,language_id),
      KEY faqs_name (faqs_name)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_to_faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE faqs_to_faq_categories (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,faq_categories_id)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS faqs_featured;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS faqs_featured (
      featured_faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      featured_date_added datetime default NULL,
      featured_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      expires_date date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      date_status_change datetime default NULL,
      status int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      featured_date_available date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      PRIMARY KEY  (featured_faqs_id),
      KEY idx_status_zen (status),
      KEY idx_faqs_id_zen (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_date_avail_zen (featured_date_available),
      KEY idx_expires_date_zen (expires_date)
    SELECT @cid:=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'FAQ Manager';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (NULL, 'FAQ Manager', 'Set FAQ Manager Options', '1', '1');
    SET @cid=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @cid WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid;
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    (NULL, 'Admin - Configuration Group ID', 'FAQ_LISTS_GROUP_ID_ALL', @cid, '<br/>Warning: Only change this if your FAQs Group ID has changed from the default<br /><br/>What is the configuration_group_id for FAQ Listings?<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Admin - Maximum FAQ Categories FAQs Display List', 'MAX_DISPLAY_RESULTS_FAQ_CATEGORIES', '10', '<br/>Number of FAQs to list per screen in the admin display<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Status', 'DEFINE_FAQ_BREADCRUMB_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the breadcrumb on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 9, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Seperator', 'FAQ_BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR', ':', '<br/>Enter the separator symbol to appear between links on the FAQ breadcrumb<br/><br/>Note: Include spaces with the &amp;nbsp; symbol if you want them part of the separator.<br /><br/>Default = &amp;nbsp;::&amp;nbsp;', @cid, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small('),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 11, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 12, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Sort Order', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_SORT', '1', '<br/>Sort order of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 13, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name DESC\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Sort Order, FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Sort Order\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Back Button Status', 'FAQ_INFO_BACK_BUTTON', '1', '<br/>Show the back button on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 14, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display', 'MAX_DISPLAY_FAQS_ALL', '20', '<br/>Number of FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 20, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Default Sort Order', 'FAQ_SORT_DEFAULT', '3', '<br/>Sets the default FAQ sort order<br />', @cid, 22, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name A - Z\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Name Z - A\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Category Name with Admin Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'Admin Defined Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'6\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Oldest First\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Newest First\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Display Sorter', 'FAQ_ALL_DISPLAY_SORT_ORDER', '1', '<br/>Show the FAQ sorter on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 23, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 24, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 25, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Show Featured FAQs', 'SHOW_FEATURED_FAQS_INDEX', '1', 'Show featured FAQs on the main FAQ index page?', @cid, 26, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display Featured FAQs', 'MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS_FEATURED_FAQ', '5', '<br/>Number of featured FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 27, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Show Counter', 'SHOW_FAQ_COUNTS', 'true', '<br/>Count recursively how many products are in each category<br/><br/>default=true<br/>', @cid, 50, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Prefix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_PREFIX', '&nbsp;(', '<br/>What do you want to prefix the FAQ count with?<br/><br/>Default= "&nbsp;("<br/>', @cid, 51, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Suffix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_SUFFIX', ')', '<br/>What do you want as a suffix to the FAQ count?<br/><br/>Default= ")"<br/>', @cid, 52, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Categories with 0 FAQs Status', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_ZERO', '1', '<br/>Show FAQ Count for categories with no active FAQs?<br/>', @cid, 53, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),' ),
    (NULL, 'Display FAQ Name', 'FAQ_ALL_LIST_NAME', '2101', 'Do you want to display the FAQ Name?<br /><br />0= off<br />1st digit Left or Right<br />2nd and 3rd digit Sort Order<br />4th digit number of breaks after<br />', @cid, 82, NOW(), NULL, NULL); 
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order) VALUES ('configFAQManager','BOX_CATALOG_FAQ_MANAGER','FILENAME_FAQ_MANAGER',CONCAT('gID=',@cid),'extras','Y',@cid);
    and an updated version of the uninstall SQL:

    SET @configuration_group_id=0;
    SELECT @configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'FAQ Manager'
    LIMIT 1;
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key = 'configFAQManager' LIMIT 1;
    DROP TABLE faqs ,
    faqs_description ,
    faqs_featured ,
    faqs_to_faq_categories ,
    faq_categories ,
    faq_categories_description ;
    In each case, I've removed the backticks and added the bits in red, per this post by swguy:
    Hey thanks lat9! You so totally rock. I was having the same problem with a different mod and now I know why.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Monterrey (metropolitan area) NL, MEXICO
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: FAQ Module [Support]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    You've changed the backticks to quotes instead of removing them. Here's an updated version of the install SQL:


    and an updated version of the uninstall SQL:


    In each case, I've removed the backticks and added the bits in red, per this post by swguy:
    Thank you very much LAT9 for writing the install and uninstall files without backticks. The uninstall did not run on the SQL patch of the store, but the original file did. The install file without backticks did run but did not solve the problem; Query reply:
    20 statements processed.
    ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
    ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists

    So, daring into deep waters (poodles) I did add zen_ to all tables in the install file without backticks and sent it as query with phpMyAdmin and, finally, a faq table was created in the MySQL data base the code submitted was:
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE zen_faq_categories (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      parent_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      sort_order int(3) default NULL,
      date_added datetime default NULL,
      last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faq_categories_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_parent_id (parent_id),
      KEY idx_sort_order (sort_order)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faq_categories_description;
    CREATE TABLE zen_faq_categories_description (
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faq_categories_name varchar(400) NOT NULL default '',
      faq_categories_description text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (faq_categories_id,language_id),
      KEY idx_faq_categories_name (faq_categories_name)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faqs;
    CREATE TABLE zen_faqs (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
      faqs_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      faqs_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
      faqs_sort_order int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      master_faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_faqs_date_added (faqs_date_added)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faqs_description;
    CREATE TABLE zen_faqs_description (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
      faqs_name varchar(500) NOT NULL default '',
      faqs_answer text,
      faqs_viewed int(5) default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,language_id),
      KEY faqs_name (faqs_name)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faqs_to_faq_categories;
    CREATE TABLE zen_faqs_to_faq_categories (
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      faq_categories_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (faqs_id,faq_categories_id)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zen_faqs_featured;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zen_faqs_featured (
      featured_faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      faqs_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      featured_date_added datetime default NULL,
      featured_last_modified datetime default NULL,
      expires_date date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      date_status_change datetime default NULL,
      status int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
      featured_date_available date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01',
      PRIMARY KEY  (featured_faqs_id),
      KEY idx_status_zen (status),
      KEY idx_faqs_id_zen (faqs_id),
      KEY idx_date_avail_zen (featured_date_available),
      KEY idx_expires_date_zen (expires_date)
    SELECT @cid:=configuration_group_id
    FROM zen_configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'FAQ Manager';
    DELETE FROM zen_configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM zen_configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    INSERT INTO zen_configuration_group VALUES (NULL, 'FAQ Manager', 'Set FAQ Manager Options', '1', '1');
    SET @cid=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE zen_configuration_group SET sort_order = @cid WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid;
    INSERT INTO zen_configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    (NULL, 'Admin - Configuration Group ID', 'FAQ_LISTS_GROUP_ID_ALL', @cid, '<br/>Warning: Only change this if your FAQs Group ID has changed from the default<br /><br/>What is the configuration_group_id for FAQ Listings?<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'Admin - Maximum FAQ Categories FAQs Display List', 'MAX_DISPLAY_RESULTS_FAQ_CATEGORIES', '10', '<br/>Number of FAQs to list per screen in the admin display<br/>', @cid, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Status', 'DEFINE_FAQ_BREADCRUMB_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the breadcrumb on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 9, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Breadcrumb Seperator', 'FAQ_BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR', ':', '<br/>Enter the separator symbol to appear between links on the FAQ breadcrumb<br/><br/>Note: Include spaces with the &amp;nbsp; symbol if you want them part of the separator.<br /><br/>Default = &amp;nbsp;::&amp;nbsp;', @cid, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small('),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 11, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 12, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Prev/Next Sort Order', 'FAQ_INFO_PREVIOUS_NEXT_SORT', '1', '<br/>Sort order of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ info pages<br/>', @cid, 13, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name DESC\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Sort Order, FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Category Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'5\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added DESC, FAQs Name\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Sort Order\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Info - Back Button Status', 'FAQ_INFO_BACK_BUTTON', '1', '<br/>Show the back button on the FAQ info pages?<br/>', @cid, 14, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display', 'MAX_DISPLAY_FAQS_ALL', '20', '<br/>Number of FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 20, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Default Sort Order', 'FAQ_SORT_DEFAULT', '3', '<br/>Sets the default FAQ sort order<br />', @cid, 22, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'FAQ Name A - Z\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'FAQs Name Z - A\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Category Name with Admin Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'4\', \'text\'=>\'Admin Defined Sort Order\'), array(\'id\'=>\'6\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Oldest First\'), array(\'id\'=>\'7\', \'text\'=>\'Date Added Newest First\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Display Sorter', 'FAQ_ALL_DISPLAY_SORT_ORDER', '1', '<br/>Show the FAQ sorter on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 23, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Status', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_STATUS', '1', '<br/>Show the prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page?<br/>', @cid, 24, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Prev/Next Navigation Bar Position', 'FAQ_INDEX_PREVIOUS_NEXT_POSITION', '1', '<br/>Set the location of prev/next navigation bar on the FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 25, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'Top of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'2\', \'text\'=>\'Bottom of Page\'), array(\'id\'=>\'3\', \'text\'=>\'Both Top & Bottom of Page\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Show Featured FAQs', 'SHOW_FEATURED_FAQS_INDEX', '1', 'Show featured FAQs on the main FAQ index page?', @cid, 26, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),'),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Index - Max Display Featured FAQs', 'MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS_FEATURED_FAQ', '5', '<br/>Number of featured FAQs to show on the main FAQ index page<br/>', @cid, 27, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Show Counter', 'SHOW_FAQ_COUNTS', 'true', '<br/>Count recursively how many products are in each category<br/><br/>default=true<br/>', @cid, 50, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Prefix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_PREFIX', '&nbsp;(', '<br/>What do you want to prefix the FAQ count with?<br/><br/>Default= "&nbsp;("<br/>', @cid, 51, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Count Suffix', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_SUFFIX', ')', '<br/>What do you want as a suffix to the FAQ count?<br/><br/>Default= ")"<br/>', @cid, 52, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea_small(' ),
    (NULL, 'FAQ Category Box - Categories with 0 FAQs Status', 'FAQ_CATEGORIES_COUNT_ZERO', '1', '<br/>Show FAQ Count for categories with no active FAQs?<br/>', @cid, 53, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_drop_down(array(array(\'id\'=>\'0\', \'text\'=>\'Off\'), array(\'id\'=>\'1\', \'text\'=>\'On\')),' ),
    (NULL, 'Display FAQ Name', 'FAQ_ALL_LIST_NAME', '2101', 'Do you want to display the FAQ Name?<br /><br />0= off<br />1st digit Left or Right<br />2nd and 3rd digit Sort Order<br />4th digit number of breaks after<br />', @cid, 82, NOW(), NULL, NULL); 
    INSERT IGNORE INTO zen_admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order) VALUES ('configFAQManager','BOX_CATALOG_FAQ_MANAGER','FILENAME_FAQ_MANAGER',CONCAT('gID=',@cid),'extras','Y',@cid);


Page 4 of 13 FirstFirst ... 23456 ... LastLast

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