Quote Originally Posted by pridder View Post
I have the following problem with aBagon. I installed the Dutch and German language pack and now the footer menu is not working. I found how to change the heads: contact information - quick links - information - customer service in footer_menu_defines but everything that is under that, is not visible in dutch and german, only in English. I mean the telefon, fax, fb etc, and the links. They are not there in the other language. Please help me out here! Thanks in advance
Yes, it occurs due to Zen Cart language architecture. You need to copy all the template English language folders to each new language folders and translate them. For instance, you need to copy the language file that is responsible for the bottom info to your new language folder with the same folders structure as you have now in English language.

We have a special article in our blog which explains the installation of a new language to Zen Cart (or our theme). It should help you to understand the process:

If you have questions, please post here.