Me again. Still researching my issue. I am going back through my old shopping cart and looking for any coding with USPS to try to determine where my issue is. But I just got this debug email from my website. Please note that I am using the most recent download. Here is the actual info from the Developers Tool Kit:
Line #14 : * @version $Id: usps.php 2014-10-30 ajeh Version K6 $

So here is the debug message I got:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Number>80040B1A</Number><Description>API Disabled: RateV3. The RateV3 API is no longer available. Please follow the "RateV3 to RateV4" transition guide in the announcements section at to migrate to the latest version or contact your software provider or shipping administrator for assistance.</Description><Source>USPSCOM:oAuth</Source></Error>

Will start doing my research now to see if I can find my fix. Appreciate any help.