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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Hi. I'm rebuilding a 1.3.9h site to 1.5.4, using a WAMP test server on my home computer.

    In the rebuild, I have replaced my old Numinix auction attributes module that formerly contained the UPC information to Numinix Product Fields which is the update for version 1.5.4. The module's instructions are very deficient, and by some guessing, some help from the Numinix support, and some help from this forum, I was able to locate install.sql files in the "prebuilt_fields" folder, and wanted to share what I found as well as request some help.

    I ran into the problem of the Windows limitation on file name length, so that I could not see or access some of the folders in the prebuilt_fields, so I renamed folders including that folder to have very short names, and then was able to see those folders and their contents.

    I found that each prebuilt field folder contained a 'Your_Admin' folder which was had been invisible before renaming. Of course, I renamed that folder to my admin folder's name, and checked to see if any further files needed renaming (none did).

    I then copied the renamed admin file and its contents into my admin file, of course by pasting it one level above in the file tree, i.e., in the "catalog" which had my store name.

    I then matched the contents of the product field folder, let's say the UPC folder, in the module with those now in my admin folder, to make sure everything copied correctly.

    I then tried to see the UPC field in my Admin, but cannot.

    Location #1: When I go to Catalog, Numinix Product Fields, I see
    Not Found

    The requested URL /mystorename/mysecretadmin/numinix_product_fields.php was not found on this server.

    Location #2: When I go to configuration, it tells me the upload file is "media."

    Location #3: I had previously added a product, prior to installing the UPC module, and noticed that I did have the Numinix Product Field of "condition," and so I know the basic module is installed.

    Now, the previously installed test product does not show up. It is seen as a product in categoy view. But clicking the "edit" icon results in the following message:
    WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.

    I tried to reinstall the install.sql again, but PHPMyAdmin delivers the message that the install.sql is already existing, and I know it is because I checked on that earlier in PHPMYAdmin.

    Firstly, I hope this information will help someone who encounters these problems.

    Secondly, I am hopeful someone has a clue as to why I cannot see my test product. If I receive no response, I will post if Numinix is able to respond.
    Last edited by notageek; 31 Oct 2015 at 06:39 AM.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by notageek View Post
    Hi. I'm rebuilding a 1.3.9h site to 1.5.4, using a WAMP test server on my home computer.

    In the rebuild, I have replaced my old Numinix auction attributes module that formerly contained the UPC information to Numinix Product Fields which is the update for version 1.5.4. The module's instructions are very deficient, and by some guessing, some help from the Numinix support, and some help from this forum, I was able to locate install.sql files in the "prebuilt_fields" folder, and wanted to share what I found as well as request some help.

    I ran into the problem of the Windows limitation on file name length, so that I could not see or access some of the folders in the prebuilt_fields, so I renamed folders including that folder to have very short names, and then was able to see those folders and their contents.

    I found that each prebuilt field folder contained a 'Your_Admin' folder which was had been invisible before renaming. Of course, I renamed that folder to my admin folder's name, and checked to see if any further files needed renaming (none did).

    I then copied the renamed admin file and its contents into my admin file, of course by pasting it one level above in the file tree, i.e., in the "catalog" which had my store name.

    I then matched the contents of the product field folder, let's say the UPC folder, in the module with those now in my admin folder, to make sure everything copied correctly.

    I then tried to see the UPC field in my Admin, but cannot.

    Location #1: When I go to Catalog, Numinix Product Fields, I see .

    Location #2: When I go to configuration, it tells me the upload file is "media."

    Location #3: I had previously added a product, prior to installing the UPC module, and noticed that I did have the Numinix Product Field of "condition," and so I know the basic module is installed.

    Now, the previously installed test product does not show up. It is seen as a product in categoy view. But clicking the "edit" icon results in the following message: .

    I tried to reinstall the install.sql again, but PHPMyAdmin delivers the message that the install.sql is already existing, and I know it is because I checked on that earlier in PHPMYAdmin.

    Firstly, I hope this information will help someone who encounters these problems.

    Secondly, I am hopeful someone has a clue as to why I cannot see my test product. If I receive no response, I will post if Numinix is able to respond.
    That folder is suppose to be there like that.

    Use catalog-> Numinix Product Fields.

    Modifying any of the folders isn't needed the module creates/copies the files for you.

    Do not do the above.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Hi. I did go to the catalog-Numinix Product Fields.When I click catalog, Numinix Product Fields, nothing happens. It is inert. What is supposed to happen, or what happens that we cannot see or monitor?

    I have read on this forum that you only copy the prebuilt items you need, and that to copy all of them would be cumbersome if you didn't use all the prebuilt fields. Doesn't it then make sense that they would need to be individually copied?

    I am unable to relate to a statement that the module installs "everything" when these your-admin and install.sql instructions exist, and then the catalog->Numinix Product Fields is totally inert.

    Could there be an explanation of how that works, and why the Your_Admin and Install.sql might be there for no purpose, and if all the prebuilt fields are installed for you, and if so why do they not show up in Admin as fields in the product, if UPC, or wherever they should be.

    Sorry if I am obtuse. It would help a lot to have these questions answered, including why one should not do the ordinary procedures for the Your_Admin and Install_sql. I do realize the basic module installed successfully because the "condition" field showed up on my test product.


  4. #34
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Hi. Because of the long path problem, I did not initially see the Your_Admin folders. Perhaps when I performed the initial install, this created an error, because none of those were renamed. I wouldn't be able to uinstall and re-install after renaming all the Your_Admin folders, because of the long -path problem. If I install the prebuilt modules separately, I bypass the long path problem that seems to lock the prebuilt folders content. I do see that Numinix stated installing the folders would replicate the installation process. Maybe it will not install successfully on a WAMP server on a home Windows XP machine due to the long path Windows problem.

    I read about a solution to use subst x for part of the path, to bypass the long path limitation of Windows, but there was no explanation of what to do after creating the X equivalent for the first part of the path name.


  5. #35
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields


    ok, Sorry I was trying to reply during dinner. So that is why my initial reply was very short.

    Please remove all the files/revert your file changes, and database changes. You may need to use the uninstall.sql that was included with the module. CAUTION you must remove ALL the files before running the uninstall.sql since the module will reinstall itself with the files are present. So Remove/revert the files, run the uninstall.sql in the tools->Install SQL patches

    then install the files as specified in the readme or below. then using the catalog->numinix product fields page install the fields you would like, either pre-built or custom.

    I have installed this using a WAMP server before, pretty much without issue.

    Following your locations issues

    Location #1-
    Ok, Initially (v1.x series of the module), to add the pre-built fields you needed to rename the your admin in the pre-built fields, and run the install.sql.

    However in the 2.x series this is "buried" in the admin because the module now does this through the admin interface located in catalog-> Numinix Product Fields (not configuration -> numinix product fields), doing so the "old" way is much more difficult.

    to make that work the "/mystorename/mysecretadmin/numinix_product_fields.php" should be present if it is not something is incorrect with your installation.

    Location #2 -
    the configuration->numinix product fields upload directory isn't related so much to the "prebuilt fields".
    Actual use: in the catalog->numinix product fields page you can create new fields now without a bunch of coding. In there is a dropdown and you can select to add a "file field" this allows you to upload a file from the edit product field (like the an image) this is the folder they will be stored in.

    Location #3 -
    by default once the module is installed it will add the condition field.

    Below are the directions from the readme:
    Backup your files and database
    Upload all files in this package while maintaining the directory structure (rename YOUR_ADMIN to your custom admin folder name except for the ones in catalog/YOUR_ADMIN/includes/npf_includes/prebuilt_fields folder)
    Reload you admin, the module will self install the additional page located at ADMIN > CATALOG > NUMINIX PRODUCT FIELDS
    Add additional fields using the pre-Built sets in ADMIN > CATALOG > NUMINIX PRODUCT FIELDS
    Either copy the files in the MODIFIED_CORE_FILES or merge the changes of the included files
    File uploads will be saved to the media directory so make sure that exists, or you can change this in the configuration menu
    So basically:
    When you upload the files the numinix_product_fields.php should land in it's proper location.

    Nothing inside the "YOUR_ADMIN/includes/npf_includes" should need to be moved/copied/modified etc.

    in the catalog-> numinix product fields file there should be a screen that looks something similar to this:
    Name:  Screenshot 2015-11-01 08.50.06.jpg
Views: 234
Size:  42.2 KB

    the buttons on the left will copy the files from the "/YOUR_ADMIN/includes/npf_includes/prebuilt_fields" into it's proper place.

    ALSO the install.sql/uninstall.sql (unless other wise specified) in any module should only be used from the Tools->Install SQL Patches.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields


    This is a beautifully clear explanation of what the installation instructions mean and what should happen after the installation. It's very much appreciated.

    I thought I had backed up my WAMP site before installing the module, but apparently not, so I hand-removed the files and when Admin was a blank screen I reviewed and caught a few things that had been missed. There seemed to be a couple of files that were not installed.

    I can see the WAMP site on localhost, but I now seem to be blocked from admin access by my Tableau template, and am thinking I might need to remove the template and reinstall it. Here is the error in the log file:


    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Empty string supplied as input in C:\wamp\www\mystore\includes\templates\tableau\templates\tpl_index_default.php on line 100

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP Stack trace:

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\mystore\index.php:0

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP 2. require() C:\wamp\www\mystore\index.php:97

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP 3. require() C:\wamp\www\mystore\includes\templates\tableau\common\tpl_main_page.php:201

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP 4. require() C:\wamp\www\mystore\includes\modules\pages\index\main_template_vars.php:366

    [02-Nov-2015 00:46:57 UTC] PHP 5. DOMDocument->load() C:\wamp\www\mystore\includes\templates\tableau\templates\tpl_index_default.php:1 00
    The tpl_index_default.php:100 says, at line 100:
    $xml_test = $xmlDoc->load($xml);
    This is meaningless to someone not experienced in code.

    I do not believe there is an install.sql for the Tableau template, but there is an uninstall, so without having access to admin it could be counterproductive to remove those files.

    Might there be a way to switch templates without having access to admin? Just thinking out loud here.

    Thanks for any suggestions on what is the best course of action at this point. If I start again from scratch, I could run into a similar error, so it might be best to troubleshoot this error first.


  7. #37
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Hi. Looks like there is a second error, that seems to indicate I have a stray code remaining from the Numinix Product Fields module which the admin login sequence is looking for. Therefore, it is not offering me the little box where I enter my admin name and admin password.

    [02-Nov-2015 04:56:31 UTC] PHP Warning: require(includes/init_includes/init_numinix_product_fields.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\mystore\includes\autoload_func.php on line 48

    [02-Nov-2015 04:56:31 UTC] PHP Stack trace:

    [02-Nov-2015 04:56:31 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\mystore\myrenamedadmin\login.php:0

    [02-Nov-2015 04:56:31 UTC] PHP 2. require() C:\wamp\www\mystore\myrenamedadmin\login.php:16

    [02-Nov-2015 04:56:31 UTC] PHP 3. require() C:\wamp\www\mystore\myrenamedadmin\includes\application_top.php:156
    It's true, I removed the init_includes/init_numinix_product_fields.php. Not sure how to proceed here. All the messages in the above files are looking for the data that isn't there, but it's not actually supposed to be there.

    Maybe the next step is to search for something, but I am not sure what to search for. If no response, I will post in the Numinix support site and if there is an answer I will post here. Thanks.


  8. #38
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by notageek View Post
    Hi. Looks like there is a second error, that seems to indicate I have a stray code remaining from the Numinix Product Fields module which the admin login sequence is looking for. Therefore, it is not offering me the little box where I enter my admin name and admin password.

    It's true, I removed the init_includes/init_numinix_product_fields.php. Not sure how to proceed here. All the messages in the above files are looking for the data that isn't there, but it's not actually supposed to be there.

    Maybe the next step is to search for something, but I am not sure what to search for. If no response, I will post in the Numinix support site and if there is an answer I will post here. Thanks.

    Did you miss removing YOUR_ADMIN/includes/auto_loaders/config.numinix_product_fields.php ?

    As far as the first error, that is a tableau issue, that's because the temlate isn't fully installed, and the constant TABLEAU_BLOG_RSS_URL isn't defined

    Both Numinix Product Fields and Numinix's Tableau Template use my auto installer: and so neither have a install.sql, and will only have an uninstall.sql

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields


    Your guess was on target. I had added _renamed.php to the config.numinix_product_fields.php. Once I deleted that file, access to Admin returned. You know, it's really fun to troubleshoot when there is hope that someone might come up with an answer showing all one's effort was well-spent, though lacking a step or two. It feels really fun that you know about this and about the Tableau and that you created the autoinstaller which is such a puzzle to me. I'll take a look at it to see if I can understand things better on these two Numinix creations. It's just amazing how advice and a forum empowers a non-coder to use Zen-Cart. I will do a backup before attempting the Numinix Product Fields installation again. Thanks.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Numinix Product Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by notageek View Post

    Your guess was on target. I had added _renamed.php to the config.numinix_product_fields.php. Once I deleted that file, access to Admin returned. You know, it's really fun to troubleshoot when there is hope that someone might come up with an answer showing all one's effort was well-spent, though lacking a step or two. It feels really fun that you know about this and about the Tableau and that you created the autoinstaller which is such a puzzle to me. I'll take a look at it to see if I can understand things better on these two Numinix creations. It's just amazing how advice and a forum empowers a non-coder to use Zen-Cart. I will do a backup before attempting the Numinix Product Fields installation again. Thanks.
    Thank you, Not a problem,

    Actually my auto installer is a re-write of numinix's auto installers

    The basic premise:
    The file in the includes/auto_loaders folder loads the file in the includes/init_includes folder
    The init_includes file contains 4 key components:
    1.) Name of the module
    2.) Defined Version Information
    3.) Folder of the installers for the module
    4.) Zen Cart Plugin ID

    The init_includes file then looks if the defined version is present in the case of = NPF NUMINIX_PRODUCT_FIELDS_VERSION (item 2)
    and then it runs through the files in the installers (item 3) and installs all the script that are of a version greater than installed.
    Example: if you are running version 2.3.1 and a file 2_3_2.php is present it will run that script, and then change the version number to 2.3.2

    After installing all of the files, it will check to see if a more recent version is presently available.

    So unless you remove the files, it will just re-install itself.

    ALSO backup your files, I advise against renaming things like .bak,.bk,_old, _renamed, etc... it makes a mess and many times causes undesired results like above, I have even seen failed PCI scans.


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