I'd like to thank Chris (DrByte) and the rest of the Zen Cart development team, first and foremost for including the Responsive DIY components in the v1.5.5 release. So THANK YOU!

Second, I think the entire Zen Cart development team has gone above and beyond in showing the community that they are here, they are listening, they are taking everyone's (suggestions and rants) into consideration, they are committed and devoted.

Any business owner should only be proud to have a back-end platform that has so many great and dedicated developers!

I also want to thank all the Zen Cart contributors for their continued support and use of the Responsive DIY components, a special thanks to Anne at Picaflor-Azul for her dedication and unbelievable devotion to working with, improving on and implementing the Responsive DIY components into her unique and truly impressive Responsive Templates.

v1.5.5 is a huge stepping stone for what v1.6.0 will bring, stay tuned.

Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
I'd like to be the first to give a HUGE THANKS to Anne at Picaflor-Azul for the time and hard work she put into the new Responsive Classic template that's included in the (very soon-to-be-released) v1.5.5 release of Zen Cart.

And special thanks also to Ray Barbour for the extensive work done to prepare the Responsive DIY components that have been built-in to this template.

Please show picaflor-azul and rbarbour your thanks for their contributions by supporting their businesses and commercial services offered: