Quote Originally Posted by CandleMan View Post
[08-May-2016 10:03:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error: 1054:Unknown column 'p.products_upc' in 'field list' :: SELECT distinct(pd.products_name), p.products_id, p.products_model, pd.products_description, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_price_sorter, p.products_priced_by_attribute, p.products_type, GREATEST(p.products_date_added, IFNULL(p.products_last_modified, 0), IFNULL(p.products_date_available, 0)) AS base_date, p.products_date_available, m.manufacturers_name, p.products_quantity, pt.type_handler, p.products_weight, p.products_upc, p.products_isbn, p.products_ean
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN manufacturers m ON (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id)
LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON (p.products_id = pd.products_id)
LEFT JOIN product_types pt ON (p.products_type=pt.type_id)WHERE p.products_status = 1
AND p.products_type <> 3
AND p.product_is_call <> 1
AND p.product_is_free <> 1
AND pd.language_id = 1
p.products_image IS NOT NULL
OR p.products_image != ''
OR p.products_image != 'no_picture.gif'
GROUP BY pd.products_name
ORDER BY p.products_id ASC; ==> (as called by) /home2/lsac/public_html/googlefroogle.php on line 171 <== in /home2/lsac/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 167
Based on the error message you posted earlier, it seems line 171 of your froogle script is initiating the database query. So the lines above that are likely what's preparing the SQL query which includes the extra field. It might perhaps be adding the field as part of some settings you've used in the Numinix Extra Fields module ... so it might be a settings thing rather than just a code thing. Of course Numinix knows their code better than I do.