Thread: Wishlist

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  1. #371
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    Feb 2015
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    My 2 cents. I had to get rid of this plug in because it wasn't compatible with PHP 7 (or whatever the latest PHP is). I had to upgrade to the latest PHP or my entire site wouldn't work. I don't think this plugin is useful anymore. A disclaimer - I'm not a Zencart expert. Just telling my own experience.

  2. #372
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    I came across a site that uses/likes this mod. The support query I got to look into was to see why attributes aren't being carried over to the shopping cart from the user's wishlist.

    Looking through the code (and its evolution over the years), I don't think it ever saved attributes in the wishlist? It looks like that was a future goal, and there's a database column to do so, but reading the plugin code I don't see where that actually happens. In all cases the variable $attributes is just set to an empty string.

    Did/Does saving attributes in the wishlist actually work for anyone? I'm going to have to advise the customer to disable the mod.

  3. #373
    Join Date
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    West Salem, IL
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    replace it with this
    It also has a converter for existing customer wishlists.
    AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
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  4. #374
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    Is there a modern version of this for v157c ?

    I’d like to use a functioning ‘Add to Wish List' Button in place of the non-functioning CSS ‘Out of Stock’ button to keep the shopper on the site as long as possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. #375
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    Quote Originally Posted by Webskipper View Post
    Is there a modern version of this for v157c ?

    I’d like to use a functioning ‘Add to Wish List' Button in place of the non-functioning CSS ‘Out of Stock’ button to keep the shopper on the site as long as possible.

    Thanks in advance.
    See @Barco57's post #373.

  6. #376
    Join Date
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    Fukuoka Japan
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    Idea or Suggestion Re: Wishlist

    Quote Originally Posted by spminis View Post
    My 2 cents. I had to get rid of this plug in because it wasn't compatible with PHP 7 (or whatever the latest PHP is). I had to upgrade to the latest PHP or my entire site wouldn't work. I don't think this plugin is useful anymore. A disclaimer - I'm not a Zencart expert. Just telling my own experience.
    admin/includes/classes/wishlist_productlist_class [ 210 ]
    if ( (!isset($_GET['sort'])) || (!preg_match('/[1-9][ad]/', $_GET['sort'])) || (substr($_GET['sort'], 0, 1) > sizeof($define_list)) ) {
    includes/classes/wishlist_productlist_class [214]
    if ( (!isset($_GET['sort'])) || (!preg_match('/[1-9][ad]/', $_GET['sort'])) || (substr($_GET['sort'], 0, 1) > sizeof($define_list)) ) {
    wishlist sql code:
    # WishList v0.8 SQL Load for MySQL databases
    SELECT @cid:=configuration_group_id
    FROM configuration_group
    WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Wish list';
    DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid AND configuration_group_id != 0;
    INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (NULL, 'Wish list', 'Wish list', '1', '1');
    SET @cid=last_insert_id();
    UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @cid WHERE configuration_group_id = @cid;
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist Module Switch', 'UN_DB_MODULE_WISHLISTS_ENABLED', 'true', 'Set this option true or false to enable or disable the wishlist', @cid, 710, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist sidebox header link', 'UN_DB_SIDEBOX_LINK_HEADER', 'true', 'Set this option true or false to make the sidebox header a link to the wishlist page.', @cid, 711, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist allow multiple lists', 'UN_DB_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_WISHLISTS', 'true', 'Set this option true or false to allow for more than 1 wishlist', @cid, 712, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist display category filter', 'UN_DB_DISPLAY_CATEGORY_FILTER', 'false', 'Set this option true or false to enable a category filter', @cid, 713, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist default name', 'DEFAULT_WISHLIST_NAME', 'Default', 'Enter the name you want to be assigned to the initial wishlist.', @cid, 714, now(), now(), NULL, NULL,NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist show list after product addition', 'DISPLAY_WISHLIST', 'false', 'Set this option true or false to show the wishlist after a product was added to the wishlist', @cid, 715, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist display max items in extended view', 'UN_MAX_DISPLAY_EXTENDED', '10', 'Enter the maximum amount of products you want to show in extended view.<br />default = 10', @cid, 716, now(), now(), NULL, NULL,NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist display max items in compact view', 'UN_MAX_DISPLAY_COMPACT', '20', 'Enter the maximum amount of products you want to show in extended view.<br />default = 20', @cid, 717, now(), now(), NULL, NULL,NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist default view Switch', 'UN_DEFAULT_LIST_VIEW', 'extended', 'Set the default view of the list to compact or extended view', @cid, 718, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('compact', 'extended'),",NULL);
    INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Wishlist allow multiple products to cart', 'UN_DB_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PRODUCTS_CART_COMPACT', 'false', 'Set this option true or false to allow multiple products to be moved in the cart via checkboxes in compact view', @cid, 719, now(), now(), NULL, "zen_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),",NULL);
    # Register the configuration page for Admin Access Control
    INSERT IGNORE INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order) VALUES ('configZCAWishListModule','BOX_CONFIGURATION_ZCA_WISHLIST','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@cid),'configuration','Y',@cid);
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Table structure for table un_wishlists
    # avoid data loss when reinstall (this will give a table exists error)
    # if you want the table to be removed, then reinstalled; uncomment line below
    #DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `un_wishlists`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `un_wishlists` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `customers_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
      `comment` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
      `default_status` int(1) NOT NULL,
      `public_status` int(1) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    #April 2011 v0.8 added column
    #added column for attributes, if you need to just add the column to an existing table use:
    #alter table un_products_to_wishlists add column attributes VARCHAR(255);
    #in the sql patch tool in zen cart
    # Table structure for table un_products_to_wishlists
    # avoid data loss when reinstall (this will give a table exists error)
    # if you want the table to be removed, then reinstalled; uncomment line below
    #DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `un_products_to_wishlists`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `un_products_to_wishlists` (
      `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `un_wishlists_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
      `quantity` int(2) NOT NULL,
      `priority` int(1) NOT NULL,
      `comment` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
      `attributes` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
    	 PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`,`un_wishlists_id`)
    Good luck!!

  7. #377
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    I have got this working on ZC V1.5.8 and am just going to upgrade to ZC V1.5.8a and see how it goes and if anyone want this, post here and I'll look a pulling it out of my site and put it together like a addon is.

  8. #378
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
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    Default Re: Wishlist

    Just to let you know.
    I have this working in a ZC 1.5.8
    PM me if you want a copy.
    I'm only asking you PM because I'm still setting up my site to go live very soon once that is done I'll have more time.


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