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  1. #1761
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Andrew, there are a couple of puzzling pieces of information in your posting

    1. The as-shipped /admin/orders.php for zc157c does, in fact, provide the NOTIFY_ADMIN_ORDERS_SHOW_ORDER_DIFFERENCE notification.

    2. The SQL statement in EO's init_eo_config.php that's inserting that statement is, in the as-distributed v4.6.2 file, uses INSERT IGNOREas opposed to just plain old INSERT.

  2. #1762
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Also, I'm getting this error at the same time as the previous one I posted.

    [22-Mar-2023 20:06:04 UTC] Request URI: /admin folder/, IP address: xx
    #1 trigger_error() called at [/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:170]
    #2 queryFactory->show_error() called at [/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:142]
    #3 queryFactory->set_error() called at [/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:269]
    #4 queryFactory->Execute() called at [/admin folder/includes/init_includes/init_eo_config.php:203]
    #5 require_once(/admin folder/includes/init_includes/init_eo_config.php) called at [/includes/autoload_func.php:37]
    #6 require(/includes/autoload_func.php) called at [/admin folder/includes/application_top.php:37]
    #7 require(/admin folder/includes/application_top.php) called at [/admin folder/home.php:9]
    #8 require(/admin folder/home.php) called at [/admin folder/index.php:11]
    --> PHP Fatal error: 1062: Duplicate entry 'EO_DEBUG_ACTION_LEVEL' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: INSERT INTO configuration
    ( configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function )
    ( 'Debug Action Level', 'EO_DEBUG_ACTION_LEVEL', '0', 'When enabled when actions are performed by Edit Orders additional debugging information will be stored in a log file.<br /><br />Enabling debugging will result in a large number of created log files and may adversely affect server performance. Only enable this if absolutely necessary!', 34, 12, now(), NULL, 'eo_debug_action_level_list(') ==> (as called by) /admin folder/includes/init_includes/init_eo_config.php on line 203 <== in /includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 170.

  3. #1763
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    See comment #2 of my previous post. Whatever version of EO you think you have, it's not a full file-set of 4.6.2.

  4. #1764
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    For those getting the "PHP Fatal error: Pre-existing zen_get_tax_locations function detected" error, I did the following two changes as a TEMPORARY FIX and it worked for me. You may want to give it a shot but use at your own risk. Again, this worked for me and allowed me to EDIT an order and ADD an item to it.

    1. I completely removed the Lines 297 thru 343 in admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/edit_orders_functions.php. Specifically, this section was completely removed:

    if (function_exists ('zen_get_tax_locations')) {
        trigger_error ('Pre-existing zen_get_tax_locations function detected.', E_USER_ERROR);
        exit ();
    } else {
        function zen_get_tax_locations($store_country = -1, $store_zone = -1) {
            global $order;
            if (STORE_PRODUCT_TAX_BASIS == 'Store') {
                $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = STORE_COUNTRY;
                $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'] = STORE_ZONE;
            } else {
                $_SESSION['customer_id'] = $order->customer['id'];
                if (STORE_PRODUCT_TAX_BASIS == 'Shipping') {
                    global $eo;
                    if ($eo->eoOrderIsVirtual ($GLOBALS['order'])) {
                        if (is_array ($GLOBALS['order']->billing['country'])) {
                            $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = $GLOBALS['order']->billing['country']['id'];
                        } else {
                            $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = zen_get_country_id ($GLOBALS['order']->billing['country']);
                        $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'] = zen_get_zone_id ($GLOBALS['customer_country_id'], $GLOBALS['order']->billing['state']);
                    } else {
                        if (is_array ($GLOBALS['order']->delivery['country'])) {
                            $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = $GLOBALS['order']->delivery['country']['id'];
                        } else {
                            $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = zen_get_country_id ($GLOBALS['order']->delivery['country']);
                        $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'] = zen_get_zone_id ($GLOBALS['customer_country_id'], $GLOBALS['order']->delivery['state']);
                } elseif (STORE_PRODUCT_TAX_BASIS == 'Billing') {
                    if (is_array ($GLOBALS['order']->billing['country'])) {
                        $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = $GLOBALS['order']->billing['country']['id'];
                    } else {
                        $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'] = zen_get_country_id ($GLOBALS['order']->billing['country']);
                    $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'] = zen_get_zone_id ($GLOBALS['customer_country_id'], $GLOBALS['order']->billing['state']);
            $_SESSION['customer_country_id'] = $GLOBALS['customer_country_id'];
            $_SESSION['customer_zone_id'] = $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'];
            return [
                'zone_id' => $GLOBALS['customer_zone_id'],
                'country_id' => $GLOBALS['customer_country_id']
    2. I also added the following EDIT on Line 16 of admin/includes/modules/edit_orders/eo_edit_action_display.php.

    I put word "lang." after the "/modules/payment/" in order to account for the new naming convention for language files:

    require DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $_SESSION['language'] . '/modules/payment/lang.' . $order->info['payment_module_code'] . '.php';
    After that, I was able to successfully edit my order to my needs. Might not be the best "solution" which could possibly break something else in the plugin, but it worked for me.
    - Jeff

  5. #1765
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    Thank you Jeff. Effective and helpful. Thanks for sharing that.

  6. #1766
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    Jun 2012
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    I'm getting an undefined array key 'tax_rate' error when editing orders with no tax. The myDEBUG log is:
    [08-Jun-2023 19:03:00 America/New_York] Request URI: /admin/index.php?cmd=edit_orders&oID=5704&action=update_order, IP address: ::1
    #1 zen_get_tax_rate_from_desc() called at [/path/includes/modules/order_total/ot_quantity_discount.php:369]
    #2 ot_quantity_discount->calculate_deductions() called at [/path/includes/modules/order_total/ot_quantity_discount.php:158]
    #3 ot_quantity_discount->process() called at [/path/includes/classes/order_total.php:65]
    #4 order_total->process() called at [/path/admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/edit_orders_functions.php:1435]
    #5 eo_update_database_order_totals() called at [/path/admin/includes/modules/edit_orders/eo_update_order_action_processing.php:456]
    #6 require(/path/admin/includes/modules/edit_orders/eo_update_order_action_processing.php) called at [/path/admin/edit_orders.php:84]
    #7 require(/path/admin/edit_orders.php) called at [/path/admin/index.php:11]
    --> PHP Warning: Undefined array key "tax_rate" in /path/admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/edit_orders_functions.php on line 217.
    No errors occur if tax>0. I've found that edit orders changes the tax_groups array in the order class from '0.0000'=>'1' to 'Tax'=>'0.0'. Then when function zen_get_tax_rate_from_desc queries the tax_rate table, it can't find 'Tax' and the undefined array key warning occurs. 'Tax' is the value of TEXT_UNKNOWN_TAX_RATE in admin.

    An obvious fix is to test whether the query finds a valid tax rate in zen_get_tax_rate_from_desc, but I'm not sure that's the best solution. Any suggested fixes would be appreciated.

    zc1.5.7c, edit orders 4.6.2, php 8.0.2. Line numbers in the log may differ slightly from out-of-the-box code due to troubleshooting code. Testing done on development system.

  7. #1767
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    Unfortunately, EO updates are somewhere south of Antarctica on my to-do list as I'm currently focused on (a) paying clients' upgrades and (b) getting the OAuth version of the UPS shipping method completed.

    I've opened a GitHub issue to track the issue and the associated change (, but when I do get back to EO updates I will be focusing on a re-design so that the tool doesn't fully re-generate the ordered products during its processing.

  8. #1768
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    Hello all, old user coming back in from the dark..been gone from ZC for _years_.

    Who has a store that does NOT charge shipping when I place an order, but after a dropshipper tells you what it costs, and you update it later...

    I would like to see how that flow works.

    Im looking to open a very large drop shipping presence (750k or so items), and Im entirely blind on shipping costs until it actually ships.

    Im way way way behind...another question is whether an order can be placed in "quote" mode, and in a day or two..complete the order with shipping to return to the customer??

    Shopify is inflexible on any of this..and insanely slow to update items Im coming back to where I was a long time ago that worked....dang well for me.


  9. #1769
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    Stuart, FL
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    Quote Originally Posted by gemohler View Post
    Hello all, old user coming back in from the dark..been gone from ZC for _years_.

    Who has a store that does NOT charge shipping when I place an order, but after a dropshipper tells you what it costs, and you update it later...

    I would like to see how that flow works.

    Im looking to open a very large drop shipping presence (750k or so items), and Im entirely blind on shipping costs until it actually ships.

    Im way way way behind...another question is whether an order can be placed in "quote" mode, and in a day or two..complete the order with shipping to return to the customer??

    Shopify is inflexible on any of this..and insanely slow to update items Im coming back to where I was a long time ago that worked....dang well for me.

    The credit-card handling payment methods (e.g. PayPal, provide a couple of modes of payment: Final (the customer's charged at checkout) and auth/capture (the customer's got a validated pending charge at checkout, which you "capture" once you have the final balance known).

    Please note, that this is not a feature of Edit Orders itself and any further questions about collecting payment for those possibly-changed (i.e. edited) orders should be posted in a different support-thread.

  10. #1770
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    Default Re: 1.5.8 Compatable?

    Quote Originally Posted by gemohler View Post
    Hello all, old user coming back in from the dark..been gone from ZC for _years_.

    Who has a store that does NOT charge shipping when I place an order, but after a dropshipper tells you what it costs, and you update it later...

    TY! has a 'figure the cost later' shipping module. As our products can be quite heavy, we frequently have orders that will ship more efficiently via LTL rather than parcel ground. We have been unable to find a plug-in that offers reliable LTL rates, so we modified the "freeoptions" vanilla shipping module so that:

    1 It only appears when the order is heavy enough that LTL is relevant (easily done in the module's admin parameters);
    2. It has revised, relevant descriptions and wording to make it clear that the shipping cost will be added - that it is not free shipping. This was affected in the php file \includes\languages\english\modules\shipping\freeoptions.php. Specifically, we modified:
    - define('MODULE_SHIPPING_FREEOPTIONS_TEXT_TITLE', 'Truck/ LTL Shipping');
    - define('MODULE_SHIPPING_FREEOPTIONS_TEXT_WAY', 'This is NOT a free shipping option. LTL shipping costs will be communicated to you. A second payment for the shipping cost will be required.');

    When the order is ready, we calculate the true LTL costs and either re-bill the credit card or contact the customer for a payment option. It has provided an effective work-around for us.




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