WebPay v1.0.1
OPC v2.4.6
PHP v8.0.17
Using Osano's web-based cookie consent tool

This is a bit of a long shot, but I find that osano.js is interferring with the loading of Square WebPay cc fields - causing them not to display. It's borderline because it varies between browser and between devices; desktop/mobile, and I wonder if osano.js is slowing things down enough that Square just gives up.

I've tried loading the osano.js at different places in the code but the cc fields are loaded in an iframe by Square's data.js, last of all. I have not classified any of the Square scripts or iframes (as such they do not appear in osano.js) but Osano integrates itself quite deeply such that data.js is initiated by osano.js and not square.js (as would be the case without Osano) - which is where I think the problem might lie.

Name:  Screenshot 1.jpg
Views: 89
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(website scripts are hidden)

The only error I can find is in Chrome dev console
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('https://web.squarecdn.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://mydomain.com').
which I believe is just symptomatic of an iframe not loading.

The issue is not internet connection speed dependent.