Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
I dunno. Since the post (last year) wasn't placed in the template's support thread (https://www.zen-cart.com/showthread....Support-Thread), I missed it.

I'll note that various changes have been made to the template since v3.5.0 (https://github.com/lat9/ZCA-Bootstrap-Template/releases). If you head on over to the template's support thread and let me know what the problem is (I can't decipher what this means) and the versions of Zen Cart and Bootstrap that are in use, I'll be happy to help.
Ok Thank you, Ill make a post on the support thread. If you scroll to the OP you will see pictures describing what they're looking to change and cannot. It looks like its an inherited #fff color code that isn't overridden by bootstraps Body Background Color chooser.
