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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Default Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on another.

    I am having problems installing Zen on a particular server.
    I have installed Zen on a similar but not identical server successfully.
    Details about the machine config for each server appear below.

    On the "Problem" server, the first and second (license agree/do-not-agree) pages of the install process are produced correctly. The third (inspect) page is not being produced correctly.

    When using FireFox as browser, the problem manifests itself as a blank "third" page (inspect) during install.
    When using IE6 as browser, the third page of install process is the standard IE "The page cannot be displayed" page.
    When using Netscape 8.1 as browser, the third page of install process appears to just re-load the second page (license agreement).

    I have tried installing to different domains hosted on the problem machine, all with the same result (blank 'third' page).

    I have used different FTP programs (FileZilla, WS_FTP, SFTP) all with the same result on the problem machine. Specifically, I have re-uploaded the full fileset using all three of these FTP programs into the example 'problem' domain shown below ( and have had the same behavior regardless of the FTP program used. The last upload that is resident on right now was done with FileZilla without noticable errors or warnings.

    I have unpacked/unzipped the .zip file on a local machine different times/ways, and also have used the exact same set of unzipped files that were used to install on the server on which ZenCart installed successfully, but without fail, every install on the 'problem' machine produces the blank 'third' page during installation script execution.

    I've looked at server error logs and have found nothing that is different between the install attempts on the success machine vs. the problem machine. On both "problem" and "success" servers, there are the following five error log entries every time the install is attempted. However, on the "success" machine, the "third" page of the install is presented just fine and eventually leads to a good install, whereas on the "problem" machine, only the blank "third" (inspect) page occurs:

    * [Sun Jul 23 14:39:45 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: notifier in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 78

    * [Sun Jul 23 14:39:45 2006] [error] PHP Warning: main(): Failed opening '/includes/classes/class.notifier.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59

    * [Sun Jul 23 14:39:45 2006] [error] PHP Warning: main(/includes/classes/class.notifier.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59

    * [Sun Jul 23 14:39:45 2006] [error] PHP Warning: main(): Failed opening '/includes/classes/class.base.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59

    * [Sun Jul 23 14:39:45 2006] [error] PHP Warning: main(/includes/classes/class.base.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59

    I also notice that some of the settings for mysql in phpinfo for the two servers are different (see below for each machine). The "problem" machine has MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE set as external, whereas the "success" machine has MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE set as builtin. More detailed settings and phpinfo links are listed below.

    I have been trying to diagnose the problem off and on for days, have read as many FAQs (in docs/ folder of unpacked zencart zip distribution and online here) as I can find, have looked through the forums searching for posts about similar problems, and have not been successful at finding information that would help diagnose/resolve this particular problem.

    I have tried renaming admin/includes/.htaccess to .htaccess_hide as suggested in one post but that did not correct the problem with the blank 'third' install page.

    The steps in my installation process are listed at the bottom of this post, but first here are some details about the problem machine configuration vs. the successful machine configuration. I have provided mySQL database user and passwd details for the "problem" machine in one domain, as the install on is for diagnosing the problem and will not be the final install domain or location (so I don't care if it gets broken, trashed, etc, as long as I am able to determine the cause of the installation problem). However, I expect that the demo install on will not proceed past the second 'license' page until the misconfiguration is identified and corrected. I hope someone can shed some light or point me in the direction of things that I might try or investigate. Thanks in advance.

    * ZenCart Version: release ( )
    * unpacked/unzipped and uploaded repeatedly using FileZilla, WS_FTP,
    and SFTP to multiple domains on same server, all with same result
    (blank page on third step, "inspect").
    * Last upload was accomplished using FileZilla, no apparent errors or warnings.

    * PHP Version 4.4.0
    * mySQL Version 4.1.19-standard
    "Use old style (4.0) passwords with mySQL 4.1+ (required if you have problems with php apps authenticating)" = ON in WHM/CPanel
    NOTE: HAVE TRIED "Use old style (4.0) password..." both ON and OFF, with same blank 'third' page of install behavior.
    * Apache Version 1.3.34
    Details: Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.0 mod_ssl/2.8.25 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
    * WHM Version 10.8.0
    * CPanel Version 10.8.2-R119
    * OS: linux, Fedora Core 1 - i385
    * Have phpMyAdmin available, shows empty erbdevco_demostore database with no tables.

    * Install script/store:
    * URL displayed in FireFox browser when blank 'third' page is encountered:

    * mySQL Database: demostore ( full name: erbdevco_demostore )
    * mySQL User: zendemo ( full name: erbdevco_zendemo )
    * mySQL User zendemo passwd: demo

    * phpinfo link:
    * Selected PHP Settings:
    + Register Globals = OFF
    + MySQL Support enabled
    - Active Persistent Links 0
    - Active Links 0
    - Client API version 4.1.19
    - MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external
    - MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    - MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql
    - MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient
    + Safe Mode = OFF
    + Session Support enabled
    + session.auto_start Off
    + session.use_trans_sid Off
    + magic_quotes_runtime Off
    + GD Support enabled
    + GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
    + ZLib Support enabled
    + OpenSSL support enabled
    + OpenSSL Version OpenSSL 0.9.7a Feb 19 2003
    + CURL support enabled
    + CURL Information libcurl/7.12.0 OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/
    + file_uploads On
    - upload_max_filesize 2M
    - post_max_size 55M
    + XML Support active
    + FTP support enabled


    * ZenCart Version: release ( )
    * unpacked/unzipped and uploaded via SFTP, install successful, demo store up
    and running.

    * PHP Version 4.3.11
    * mySQL Version 4.1.19-standard
    "Use old style (4.0) paswords with mySQL 4.1+ (required if you have problems with php apps authenticating)" = ON in WHM/CPanel
    NOTE: HAVE TRIED "Use old style (4.0) password..." both ON and OFF, successfully installed and run zenCart V1.3.0.2 both ways.
    * Apache Version 1.3.33
    Details: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.3.11 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
    * WHM Version 10.8.0
    * CPanel Version 10.8.2-R119
    * OS: linux, Fedora Core 1 - i386
    * Have phpMyAdmin available, shows database created for demostore with 93 tables.

    * Successfully installed V1.3.0.2 store:

    * phpinfo link:
    * Selected PHP Settings:
    + Register Globals = OFF
    + MySQL Support enabled
    - Active Persistent Links 0
    - Active Links 0
    - Client API version 3.23.49
    - MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE builtin
    - MYSQL_SOCKET /var/tmp/mysql.sock
    - MYSQL_INCLUDE no value
    - MYSQL_LIBS no value
    * Safe Mode = OFF

    Installation procedure followed for both "problem" ( )
    and "success" ( ) machines:
    * Unpacked/unzipped to local directory
    corresponding to catalog1302 or demostore.
    * Copied includes/dist-configure.php to includes/configure.php
    * Copied admin/includes/dist-configure.php to admin/includes/configure.php
    * Uploaded entire catalog1302 / demostore directory to servers in
    corresponding directories for and
    * chmod 777 for includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php
    * chmod 777 for the following directories under catalog1302 / demostore:
    * chmod 777 images directory (and subdirectories thereunder) in catalog1302 / demostore
    * Attempted install via (problem) and (success)

    I have write access to the master php.ini file for the problem machine, and phpMySQL is also available on a domain-by-domain basis on both servers.


    OK, that's some information up front. I'm sure much of it is irrelevant to the problem, but better off providing extra as opposed to not providing enough. If anyone can help or suggest things to look for I would really really appreciate it. This is for a project that needed to be installed and handed off last week to the person who is going to maintain the website, but to no avail until I can install it successfully. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Wow - now THAT is some good research and problem analysis.

    If only I could give a solution based on that info alone....

    1. The only thing that surprises me in the differences between both servers' phpinfo settings is the y2kcompliance setting. I'm surprised that it's set to "off" on the "working" server. IMO it should have no bearing on ZC installation though.

    2. My first thought was that the problem has to do with the errors reported in your errorlog. But ... those are errors from attempting to access the store via the main URL, not anything to do with running from the zc_install area. Studying the filenames, I see /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php ... which makes no reference to zc_install ... and the zc_install process doesn't use the autoload_func.php components as of v1.3 (it will in the future, but that's another story, and I only mention it in case someone is reading this post in the future).

    Instead, these errors are most certainly a result of the configure.php file containing defaults since the installer hasn't run yet (because the path information hasn't been set right, and thus it can't locate those files where it's looking).

    3. Can you try running the page directly from the command line? (assuming you have shell/telnet access):
    chdir /home/erbdevco/public_html/
    (or maybe this is better: )
    chdir /public_html
    php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    (hopefully we don't need any special command-line parameters here... maybe a -f before the path ? )

    Then let's analyze the debuglog.txt output for any errors.

    Perhaps check the errorlog before and after doing that, to see if anything extra shows up there too.

    4. Edit the /zc_install/index.php file, and on line 2 ... right below the opening <?php
    insert this line:
    PHP Code:
    Then try accessing the page again: zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect
    Perhaps try creating another debuglog.txt as in step 3 above.

    I'd be interested to know the results according to your problem server.

    5. Try editing the /includes/configure.php file and set the DB_ settings for your server:
    PHP Code:

    I suspect it's likely a result of some restriction set in PHP, or a filesystem permissions problem.
    It's not related to MySQL unless it's just that it's trying to talk to the MySQL server without using a valid password...hence the suggestion #5 above.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Thanks for the speedy response. I really appreciate it. I tried to document as much as possible and I had been trying to resolve the problem on my own but I got to a point where I decided that asking the experts was going to be necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    1. The only thing that surprises me in the differences between both servers' phpinfo settings is the y2kcompliance setting...
    Wow. Me too. I changed php.ini and restarted apache so that y2kcompliance is ON on the "success" machine now. No bad effects observed so far. Thanks for noticing.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    2. My first thought was that the problem has to do with the errors reported in your errorlog. But ... those are errors from attempting to access the store via the main URL...
    Ahhh... now that I think about it that makes perfect sense. I think for a microsecond I wondered why the errors didn't reference zc_install at all, but since they appeared on the "success" machine's logs too I didn't think any more of it. I tried the direct URL to zc_install/index.php on the problem machine a moment ago and those five errors were not generated on the "problem" machine, but the blank third page problem is still present.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    3. Can you try running the page directly from the command line? (assuming you have shell/telnet access)
    I do have shell access to the domain and su access to the "problem" machine as well. I did the following:

    <login as user for domain>
    erbdevco@ds175 [~]# cd public_html
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# cat debuglog.txt
    Status: 404
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
    No input file specified.
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# ^php^php -f
    php -f catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# cat debuglog.txt
    No input file specified.
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]#
    Then, the following just to see what happened:

    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# cd catalog1302/zc_install
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install]# php index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install]# cat debuglog.txt
    Status: 404
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
    No input file specified.
    So, same behavior when attempting to command-line execute from within the zc_install directory.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    Perhaps check the errorlog before and after doing that, to see if anything extra shows up there too.
    No additional error log entries as a result of any of the three attempts.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    4. Edit the /zc_install/index.php file, and on line 2 ... right below the opening <?php
    insert this line:
    PHP Code:
    Then try accessing the page again: zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect
    Perhaps try creating another debuglog.txt as in step 3 above.
    I'd be interested to know the results according to your problem server.
    Edited /zc_install/index.php and added a line 2 exactly as above. Then did the following:

    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# cat debuglog.txt
    Status: 404
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
    No input file specified.
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# ^php^php -f
    php -f catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]# cat debuglog.txt
    No input file specified.
    erbdevco@ds175 [~/public_html]#
    No additional error entries made in error logs.

    But THEN. . .
    I tried , first page displayed OK, Only two "File does not exist" entries for favicon.ico after first page load.
    Second page loaded OK and displayed license and agree/disagree. Two more "File does not exist" entries for favicon.ico (haven't made a bitmap for that domain, so no favicon.ico exists, so no big deal).
    Selected "agree" and clicked continue button, and the blank page was produced again. However, the following additional Notices were reported in the error log for the domain (last-error-first, or -top, of this list):

    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable:  dbinfo in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 105
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable:  zen_cart_database_connect_OK in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 73
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable:  dbinfo in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 105
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable:  zen_cart_database_connect_OK in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 73
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    [Mon Jul 24 01:54:40 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    5. Try editing the /includes/configure.php file and set the DB_ settings for your server:
    PHP Code:

    I changed the apropriate five lines in /includes/configure.php to that above. It seems that most of the parameters in that file are things the install script would eventually set, but I set the five above and left the rest as-is. Since this file was not in zc_install, and I was not certain if it would be read during the "inspect" part of the install, I ran the direct URL to the store: to see what would happen. It simply loaded in turn and displayed the usual first "welcome" page of the installation. After the first page was produced, the usual 5 errors/Warnings associated with accessing the store URL (rather than zc_install/index.php directly) appeared in the error logs:

    * [Mon Jul 24 02:23:27 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot instantiate non-existent class:  notifier in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 78
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:23:27 2006] [error] PHP Warning:  main(): Failed opening '/includes/classes/class.notifier.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:23:27 2006] [error] PHP Warning:  main(/includes/classes/class.notifier.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:23:27 2006] [error] PHP Warning:  main(): Failed opening '/includes/classes/class.base.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:23:27 2006] [error] PHP Warning:  main(/includes/classes/class.base.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/includes/autoload_func.php on line 59
    The second page loaded just fine, producing only a favicon-not-found error.
    After selecting "agree" and clicking "Continue" button, the blank page still appeared, and these Notices appeared in the error logs:

    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    * [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12
    So there is now some additional information as a result. It is not clear to me what the error log message might indicate, if anything. Perhaps the fact that a 404 error is produced when executing the inspect page from the command line is significant, or maybe I just did not execute with the proper flags/switches. I also am not sure if it is significant that two sets of error entries are produced when the "inspect" page is attempted to be generated from the web (line 12, 13, 14 then line 12, 13, 14 again immediately above), but since zc_install/index.php regenerates itself with new headers for each main_page, it could be due to that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    I suspect it's likely a result of some restriction set in PHP, or a filesystem permissions problem.
    It's not related to MySQL unless it's just that it's trying to talk to the MySQL server without using a valid password...hence the suggestion #5 above.
    I would agree that a PHP configuration setting or misconfiguration seems like the likely cause ...especially since everything went extremely smoothly with other installs on the "success" server... if only I could determine what the misconfiguration is. Being a relative PHP and mySQL novice, I haven't been able to so far. My hope is that the results of this set of diagnostics produces some additional suggestions or advice... I really want to stick with Zen for this current domain and some others on the same "problem" server so I would really like to figure it out.

    Thanks again for the thoughtful and detailed response. Any additional commentary would be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    After looking at the error_log file for the entire machine, I also find entries where the processes die with segmentation faults after the errors listed above. For instance, the last one quoted above, with "die" entries included, appears as follows in the whole-machine error_log:

    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_instal
    l/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_insta
    ll/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_insta
    ll/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_instal
    l/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 12
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug2 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_insta
    ll/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 13
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  debug3 in /home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_insta
    ll/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php on line 14
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [notice] child pid 29029 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    [Mon Jul 24 02:31:16 2006] [notice] child pid 29030 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    I'm still poking around and trying things, so far to no avail, and suggestions/ideas about what might be going on are more than welcome.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Continuing to investigate/document. Here is what is in the machine's access logs for the same failed installation attempt as above. The last ( 02:31:16 ) POST to zc_install/index.php returned a 302, but I notice it is coming from main_page=license, and also initiating the POST to main_page=license. Perhaps that explains the duplicate error entries above, and maybe it gives a clue as to what is amiss ? It coincides in time with the "die" for the child processes found in the machine-wide error_log.

    Code: - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:16 -0700] "POST /catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=license&language=english HTTP/1.1" 200 2664 "
    og1302/zc_install/index.php" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:17 -0700] "GET /catalog1302/zc_install/includes/templates/template_default/css/stylesheet.css HTTP/1.1" 304 - "
    /catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=license&language=english" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:18 -0700] "GET /catalog1302/zc_install/includes/templates/template_default/images/zen_header_bg.jpg HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://www.erbd" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:18 -0700] "GET /catalog1302/zc_install/includes/templates/template_default/templates/gpl_license.html HTTP/1.1" 304 - "" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:18 -0700] "GET /catalog1302/zc_install/includes/templates/template_default/images/tile_back.jpg HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://www.erbdev.c
    om/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/templates/template_default/css/stylesheet.css" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:30:21 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 819 "-" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:31:16 -0700] "POST /catalog1302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=license&language=english HTTP/1.1" 302 5 "
    302/zc_install/index.php?main_page=license&language=english" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0" - - [24/Jul/2006:02:31:17 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 819 "-" "Way Super Cool DudeBrowser 9.0"

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Hmmm I made an error on the command-line test ... forgot that PHP can't accept parameters as part of filename, unlike a URL... try this:
    chdir /public_html
    php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    You'll likely get some gethostbyaddr() errors... which may make this test useless

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    Hmmm I made an error on the command-line test ... forgot that PHP can't accept parameters as part of filename, unlike a URL... try this:
    chdir /public_html
    php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    You'll likely get some gethostbyaddr() errors... which may make this test useless
    Here is what I did:

    [email protected] [~]# cd public_html
    [email protected] [~/public_html]# php catalog1302/zc_install/index.php main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    Segmentation fault
    [email protected] [~/public_html]# cat debuglog.txt
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  HTTP_USER_AGENT in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/classes/installer.php</b> on line <b>18</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>12</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug2 in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>13</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug3 in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>14</b><br />
    [email protected] [~/public_html]#
    So, very similar to what appears in the error log when attempted via web ( undefined index debug, debug2, debug3 at lines 12, 13, 14 of zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php ) and termination with segmentation fault. However, there is the new message regarding index HTTP_USER_AGENT , in zc_install/includes/classes/installer.php . This is the first reference I've seen to installer.php. Does that suggest anything?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    hmmm .... better yet ... chdir into the zc_install folder directly:
    chdir /public_html/catalog1302/zc_install
    php index.php main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt

    Hmmmm .... that's not gonna work .... $_GET isn't parsed from command-line

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Thanks for the follow-up. . .

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte
    hmmm .... better yet ... chdir into the zc_install folder directly:
    Hmmmm .... that's not gonna work .... $_GET isn't parsed from command-line
    Figured it couldn't hurt:

    [email protected] [~]# chdir public_html/catalog1302/zc_install
    [email protected] [~/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install]# php index.php main_page=inspect > debuglog.txt
    Segmentation fault
    [email protected] [~/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install]# cat debuglog.txt
    Content-type: text/html
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  HTTP_USER_AGENT in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/classes/installer.php</b> on line <b>18</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>12</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug2 in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>13</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index:  debug3 in <b>/home/erbdevco/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install/includes/modules/pages/inspect/header_php.php</b> on line <b>14</b><br />
    [email protected] [~/public_html/catalog1302/zc_install]#
    So nothing new there, unfortunately.

    I wish there were more extensive error reporting available... it makes diagnostics difficult. Is there anything that could be changed in php.ini that would be worth trying? I'm up for trying practically anything.

    Also, as stated, the domain isn't important to us right now... I would be more than willing to provide you shell login access by private message if that would help and save turnaround time for "try this" sorts of things.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Blank "third" page (inspect) of install, works on one machine not on anot

    Could try adding this to the top of zc_install/index.php after the call to application_top:
    PHP Code:
        if ($argc 0) {
          for (
    $i=1;$i<$argc;$i++) {
    $it split("=",$argv[$i]);
    $_GET[$it[0]] = $it[1];
    // parse_str($argv[$i],$tmp);
            // $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $tmp);
    Then try the command-line approach mentioned above.... just to get it to fully use the parameters properly

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.


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