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  1. #361
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSide View Post
    I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you. It's obviously not SO, and those two settings are the only ones I know of that affect the tax display. My store is non-profit, so my experience with tax is limited. You should do some forum searches, and check out the tax tutorials.
    ok, will do, but does SO get this info from the db or?? if so, is it possible to force this setting to get the data ex tax?

  2. #362
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    I'm pretty sure it's a DB setting via the configuration table but, again, no sure idea.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  3. #363
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Hello harlyman,

    I did a little reseach into your problem and here are my findings. These are my opinons and how I would approach solving the problem. I am sure there are other ways inwhich to get to the same solution which maybe easier, but I have not found.

    As Super Orders 2.0 works right now the subtotal amount is retrieved directly from the 'orders_totals' table in the db which I assume gets written after a customer has submitted their order. Ok, so lets review how this value is set when you view a customer's order in the admin:

    admin/includes/classes/order.php 'Line #43-46'

    $totals = $db->Execute("select title, text, class
      from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . "
      where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'
      order by sort_order");
    So, this part of the class stores the subtotal with tax from the 'orders_totals' table in the db.

    admin/super_data_sheet.php 'Line#32'

    $order = new order($oID);
    The $order object gets created (instantiated) here and at this time $order->totals[$i]['text'] is assigned the order's subtotal with tax.

    admin/super_orders.php 'Line#773'

    <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $order->totals[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n" .
    This line actually displays the subtotal from $order->totals[$i]['text'] on the order's detail page in the admin.

    Ok, but you want subtotal without tax. I will outline my solution but I have not tried this or tested it and it will need through testing to get it right.

    1. Inside 'admin/includes/classes/order.php', add a new method/function like getSubTotalwoTax( ) to query the 'orders_product' table which lists all the items in an order. Loop through all the product lines and calculate the sum of fields 'products_quantity' x 'products_price' and return the total amount.

    2. In 'admin/super_data_sheet.php' after Line 32, add a new variable, say $subTotalwoTax and call your new function from the $order object as:

    $subTotalwoTax = $order->getSubTotalwoTax($oID);

    3. Inside 'admin/super_orders.php - Line#773' change $order->totals[$i]['text'] to $subTotalwoTax.

    Ok, this is a rough hack, and personally, it would be better to edit the orders.php class and add another array variable to the totals member variable to make it cleaner. In that case, you could simply change the display line from $order->totals[$i]['text'] to say, $order->totals[$i]['subTotalwoTax'], but you get the idea.

    Of course you need to document the exact changes you make, because any future upgrade of zen-cart will likely overwrite the orders.php file and your will lose your changes.
    Thanks in advance.

  4. #364
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    help question Re: Super Orders 2.0


    I installed Super Orders on my store, but I don't see any of the functionality.

    I can go to Admin>Config>Super Orders

    But I can't find Admin>Customers>Super Orders

    and I see no links to super orders on any of my existing orders.

    Does it only work with new orders or did I mess up in the installation process?



  5. #365
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by ahelis View Post
    Hello harlyman,

    I did a little reseach into your problem and here are my findings. These are my opinons and how I would approach solving the problem. I am sure there are other ways inwhich to get to the same solution which maybe easier, but I have not found.

    As Super Orders 2.0 works right now the subtotal amount is retrieved directly from the 'orders_totals' table in the db which I assume gets written after a customer has submitted their order. Ok, so lets review how this value is set when you view a customer's order in the admin:

    admin/includes/classes/order.php 'Line #43-46'

    $totals = $db->Execute("select title, text, class
      from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . "
      where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'
      order by sort_order");
    So, this part of the class stores the subtotal with tax from the 'orders_totals' table in the db.

    admin/super_data_sheet.php 'Line#32'

    $order = new order($oID);
    The $order object gets created (instantiated) here and at this time $order->totals[$i]['text'] is assigned the order's subtotal with tax.

    admin/super_orders.php 'Line#773'

    <td align="right" class="'. str_replace('_', '-', $order->totals[$i]['class']) . '-Amount">' . $order->totals[$i]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n" .
    This line actually displays the subtotal from $order->totals[$i]['text'] on the order's detail page in the admin.

    Ok, but you want subtotal without tax. I will outline my solution but I have not tried this or tested it and it will need through testing to get it right.

    1. Inside 'admin/includes/classes/order.php', add a new method/function like getSubTotalwoTax( ) to query the 'orders_product' table which lists all the items in an order. Loop through all the product lines and calculate the sum of fields 'products_quantity' x 'products_price' and return the total amount.

    2. In 'admin/super_data_sheet.php' after Line 32, add a new variable, say $subTotalwoTax and call your new function from the $order object as:

    $subTotalwoTax = $order->getSubTotalwoTax($oID);

    3. Inside 'admin/super_orders.php - Line#773' change $order->totals[$i]['text'] to $subTotalwoTax.

    Ok, this is a rough hack, and personally, it would be better to edit the orders.php class and add another array variable to the totals member variable to make it cleaner. In that case, you could simply change the display line from $order->totals[$i]['text'] to say, $order->totals[$i]['subTotalwoTax'], but you get the idea.

    Of course you need to document the exact changes you make, because any future upgrade of zen-cart will likely overwrite the orders.php file and your will lose your changes.
    looks easy when you explain it, but i think i need someone with more php skills that me to help out.

    anyone here that wants this challange?? i'll pay $$ for this fix if someone are able to solve this for me.

  6. #366
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by bgroup99 View Post

    I installed Super Orders on my store, but I don't see any of the functionality.

    I can go to Admin>Config>Super Orders

    But I can't find Admin>Customers>Super Orders

    and I see no links to super orders on any of my existing orders.

    Does it only work with new orders or did I mess up in the installation process?


    Recheck your installation. You seem to have missed a few core files.

  7. #367
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by bgroup99 View Post
    I can go to Admin>Config>Super Orders

    But I can't find Admin>Customers>Super Orders

    and I see no links to super orders on any of my existing orders.
    You ran the SQL file properly, but did not upload the files correctly. Re-read the readme so you know exactly where the files need to go.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  8. #368
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Batch_status_update not sending emails...

    Well, this is no real solution but yo should know that SO 1.3 batch status update works just fine on Zen-Cart 1.3.6...

    So if you need it (the only thing I really need from SO) you might consider down-grading

    Still interested in 2.0 solution though


  9. #369
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    Only one thing has changed in that file between major versions. Open admin/super_batch_status.php. Find this line...
    $notify = (int)$_POST['notify'];
    Change it to read as follows....
    $notify = $_POST['notify'];
    Upload and give it a whirl.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  10. #370
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    Default Re: Super Orders 2.0

    I just downloaded Super Orders 2.0, great features!

    But, before I install it, want to make sure if it works with current ZenCart 1.3.6 and Stock by Attributes mod that I am using, doesn't it?




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