Is it possible to hide or turn of a subcategory link?

Basically I have some adult trailers included in DVD listings so used the DVD category description to enter a load of text along the lines of
"I certify that I am over 18.....etc, etc" At the bottom of this, still in the description, I have two buttons, one for disagree and leave and one for agree and enter, the latter being linked to the subcategory containing the listings

BUT of course the normal subcategory link is still showing after the 2 buttons.
I tried doing a search for the heading from admin in the hope that I could make the specific instance of it (I still want it to show in site map for instance) the same colour as my B.G. but the search was fruitless.

Any Ideas?

PS I did find a fairly convoluted solution from a quick forum search, involving turning off the parent subcategory and leaving on the child subcats, but I don't think this will work for me (sorry Ajeh)