The who did what now? OH the pic, I'm not sure. I just figured a mountain would go well with the sherpa thing.....

Any who, between the attributes a clearboth is being called, so what was happening was it couldn't float up past the bottom of your left column. By floating the box they were in, it changed the scope of the clear which let them bunch up. Ironically, after fixing the clear: both from the other products, I had to add one to the productTellFriendLink to keep it underneath the attributes. I guess the best way to demonstrate would be to comment out the clear:both from productTellFriendLink and see what happens

#productTellFriendLink {
//clear: both;
just add the double slash, push it to your server and refresh the page.

I guess another way to do the same thing would be to remove the clearboth being added to the page and not add the float, but this was easier to explain :)