
I need to place images generated by a script of mine within the same table cell as the product image (in product listing) is displayed.
This is the additional code in product_listing.php:
$pro_model=mysql_query('select products_model from products  where products_id='.$listing->fields['products_id']);
$bundle_imgs=mysql_query('select p.products_image as products_image,pd.products_name from products_xbundle pb,products p,products_description pd  where pd.products_id=p.products_id and pb.products_model="'.$products_model.'" and pb.xbundle_model=p.products_model');
$lc_text_bun[$listing->fields['products_id']]="<div id=xbundletable>";
$lc_text_bun[$listing->fields['products_id']].="<div>".zen_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $bundle_imgs_data[products_image], $listing->fields['products_name'], IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_WIDTH, IMAGE_SHOPPING_CART_HEIGHT, 'class="listingBundleImage"')."</div>";

$lc_text_bun[$listing->fields['products_id']].="</div><br />";
And this is the modified tpl_tabular_display.php:
  $cell_scope = (!isset($cell_scope) || empty($cell_scope)) ? 'col' : $cell_scope;
  $cell_title = (!isset($cell_title) || empty($cell_title)) ? 'list' : $cell_title;

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="<?php echo 'cat' . $cPath . 'Table'; ?>" class="tabTable">
  for($row=0; $row<sizeof($list_box_contents); $row++) {
    $r_params = "";
    $c_params = "";
	if (isset($list_box_contents[$row]['params'])) $r_params .= ' ' . $list_box_contents[$row]['params'];

  <tr <?php echo $r_params; ?>>



//echo "</tr><tr><td nowrap=nowrap colspan=$lc_num[$pid]>";
echo "</tr><tr><td>";
echo $lc_text_bun[$pid];
echo "</td>"

    for($col=0;$col<sizeof($list_box_contents[$row]);$col++) {
      $c_params = ""; 
      $cell_type = ($row==0) ? 'th' : 'td';
       if (isset($list_box_contents[$row][$col]['params'])) $c_params .= ' ' . $list_box_contents[$row][$col]['params'];
      if (isset($list_box_contents[$row][$col]['align']) && $list_box_contents[$row][$col]['align'] != '') $c_params .= ' align="' . $list_box_contents[$row][$col]['align'] . '"';
      if ($cell_type=='th') $c_params .= ' scope="' . $cell_scope . '" id="' . $cell_title . 'Cell' . $row . '-' . $col.'"';
      if (isset($list_box_contents[$row][$col]['text'])) {
   <?php echo '<' . $cell_type . $c_params . '>'; ?><?php echo $list_box_contents[$row][$col]['text'] ?><?php echo '</' . $cell_type . '>'  . "\n"; ?>


At this time, the additional images of my script are displayed as "additional" cell within the product table.
I would prefer to have them displayed within the zen cart default image diplay cell.
Could anyone push me to the right direction?