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  1. #1
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    Default Google SiteMap Contribution

    ZC v.1.3.7

    Confused about what the heck the bolded text is trying to say in the ReadMe pasted below. Are those optional?
    • Why would I re-run the googleanalytics.sql file?
    • How do I run the install_googlesitemap.php?

    1. I completed step one and verified.
    2. I ran the install.sql in the Admin, it says 8 statements processed and gives a huge list of results.
    I skipped the rest of #2 (the bolded) because it's not clear to me what to do
    3. I go to #3 and don't change anything, set the file permissions to 777 for the four .xml files
    4. I attempt #4, but get a 298 error: Call to undefined function: zen_get_info_page() in ...catalog/admin/googlesitemap.php

    From the Readme:
    1. Unzip and upload all files to your store directory;
    2. Go to Admin->Tools->Install SQL Patches and install install.sql.
    Copying SQL code from googleanalytics.sql file (using a text editor) and paste into form in your shops
    admin at Tools > Install SQL patches (copy & paste, don't upload!!!).
    Copy install_googlesitemap.php to the admin directory, start it, select Install and press GO button.

    3. Go to Admin->Configuration->Google Sitemap Configuration and setup all parameters
    4. Go to Admin->Tools>Google XML Sitemap (If error messages occur, change permissions on the XML files to 777);


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    I need some help too. The readme is formatted pretty bad & I don't want to screw anything up, and I'm pretty n00b. This is what I got out of the text file.

    1. Unzip and upload all files to your store directory;
    2. Go to Admin->Tools->Install SQL Patches and install install.sql.
    Copying SQL code from install.sql file (using a text editor) and paste into form in your shops
    admin at Tools > Install SQL patches (copy & paste, don't upload!!!).
    3. Go to Admin->Configuration->Google Sitemap Configuration and setup all parameters
    4. Go to Admin->Tools>Google XML Sitemap (If error messages occur, change permissions on the XML files to 777);
    5. To have this update and automatically notify Google, you will need to set up a Cron
    job via your host's control panel.


    To run it as a cron job (at 5:0am like you wanted), put something in your crontab like the
    0 5 * * * GET

    So here's what's inside the zip folder that I extracted.

    Everything inside the "YOUR_ADMIN" folder I uploaded via ftp into /"myadmin"/ dir.

    Now where do all of the other files go? googlesitemap, gss, install, sitemapcategories, sitemapezpages, sitemapindex, sitemapproducts, uninstall, update etc etc....

    2) Now it's telling me to install the install.sql. BUT it says "Copying SQL code from install.sql file (using a text editor) and paste into form in your shops
    admin at Tools > Install SQL patches (copy & paste, don't upload!!!)". So it's basically telling me to install it, but don't install it. Which is it!!!!!!!

    please help...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    That part I can actually answer, though obviously I can't help you past that LOL. There are two methods to running the .sql files, you can paste the actual text from the file into the Admin>>Tools>> Install SQL Patches, OR in that same area you can achieve the same end (running that SQL patch) but uploading the SQL file and having the cart run it that way. It seems that the forum consensus is to paste the text version in as the more reliable method, but I'm not sure that's agreed upon completely.

    I have installed other modules successfully this way, just FYI (Google Analytics for example).

    But I agree, the ReadMe needs some help... I need some help... we need some help!

    I really want this mod to work!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    Quote Originally Posted by Bahnstoermer View Post
    That part I can actually answer, though obviously I can't help you past that LOL. There are two methods to running the .sql files, you can paste the actual text from the file into the Admin>>Tools>> Install SQL Patches, OR in that same area you can achieve the same end (running that SQL patch) but uploading the SQL file and having the cart run it that way. It seems that the forum consensus is to paste the text version in as the more reliable method, but I'm not sure that's agreed upon completely.

    I have installed other modules successfully this way, just FYI (Google Analytics for example).

    But I agree, the ReadMe needs some help... I need some help... we need some help!

    I really want this mod to work!
    Ok, thank you!
    But what about the files that came within the zip that aren't in "YOUR_ADMIN" folder. Shown here

    Where do those go within my dir's?
    the root dir?
    "/admin/" ?
    /yadaetcblahblah/ ?
    Or do they not go in anywhere....


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    The files in the folder you downloaded called YOUR_ADMIN are to be placed one by one in the locations in your cart that match the file structure under the YOUR_ADMIN folder.

    So, you have a folder where your cart is stored (many people rename them) and immediatly inside that folder is another called "admin." That's the "YOUR_ADMIN" reference. Be careful when placing the files, the directories under the admin folder are repetitive and easily confused.

    Remember, I haven't gotten this one working, just other contributions. They all work in the same way though as far as adding files like this...

    Can some who does have this working help out on my issue?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    Helloooo there,

    Be advised, if you don't know what you're doing...

    Some add-on modules make changes to core files.
    If you have two such modules that make changes to the same file(s), you run the risk of wiping out the modifications made and required by an earlier mod.

    Merging changes into a single file are quite often the solution to conflicting mods. So be careful of what you do.

    If you are new to this, or even if your not, approach all of what you do with precision and deliberation. Make careful note of what you changed.

    The alternative is to end up here all red faced and holding an Oops! sign.

    The loves of my life are a good white zinfandel and my dog Homer.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Google SiteMap Contribution

    Yeah, I backed up my entire server before proceeding for these reasons... I guess this is the first brick wall I've hit in terms of support which is too bad.



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