
I have installed ZenCart v.1.3.8 for use with ACH Direct's Secure Web Pay (SWP) module to process electronic transactions. For your reference, ACH Direct's Zen Cart module for SWP may be referenced in the Developer's Section on their signature product website - https://www.paymentsgateway.net -
You may be required to register. Once logged in, the SWP add-on package is entitled "Zen Cart Payment Module (SWP)".

Upon configuration of this module and running my first "checkout" with 1+ items in my shopping cart, I receive the following Zen Cart error:

(Privacy Notice) Home:: Login Time Out

"Whoops! Sorry, but you are not allowed to
perform the action requested.

You are still logged in to your account and may continue shopping.
Please choose a destination from a menu."

This error is displayed upon completing the transaction on the SWP site (hosted by ACH Direct, Inc.) and being returned to my Zen Cart hosted site. Within the SWP module, the following code is used to return visitors back to the Zen Cart hosted site:

$process_button_string.=zen_draw_hidden_field('pg_return_url',HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS _CATALOG.'swp_notify.php');


Special note on this field:

pg_return_url: This is the page the customer will be returned to after a transaction has been completed. This page should contain server side script to parse the data being posted to it, however, it can be a static HTML page as well. If this field is not set or invalid, the entire transaction is done on the Payments Gateway. In order to be a valid return URL the value sent must match at least one of the values in the Virtual Terminal. Note: Secure Web Pay will post all but the following values to the return URL page.

API Login ID, Secure Transaction Key, Credit Card Number, Card Holder Name, Card Exp Date, Procurement Acct Code, CCV, eCheck Account Number, eCheck TRN


Thank you in advance for your help on this!