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  1. #1

    Default Gift Certificates- not going to emails to those without accounts, Is this standard?

    I have been testing the zen cart (version 1.37) and whenever I try to send a gift certificate to someone without an account, they never receive an email.

    Also, when a customer has an account and they purchase a gift card then go to send it someone else, if the person does not have an account, the intended recipient never receives an email.

    Is this standard, or is there some sort of setting? I would think one would receive the email, go to the shop, and then maybe be prompted to create an account to utilize the gift certificate.

    Here is the website in case needed:

    Here are my email options:
    E-Mail Transport Method PHP
    E-Mail Linefeeds LF
    Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false
    Send E-Mails true Info
    Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false
    Email Archiving Active? true
    E-Mail Friendly-Errors true
    Email Address (Displayed to Contact you) [email protected]
    Email Address (sent FROM) [email protected]
    Emails must send from known domain? No
    Email Admin Format? TEXT
    Send Copy of Order Confirmation Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Create Account Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Create Account Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Tell a Friend Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Tell a Friend Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Customer GV Send Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Customer GV Send Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Admin GV Mail Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Customer Admin GV Mail Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Admin Discount Coupon Mail Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Customer Admin Discount Coupon Mail Emails To [email protected]
    Send Copy of Admin Orders Status Emails To - Status 1
    Send Copy of Admin Orders Status Emails To [email protected]
    Send Notice of Pending Reviews Emails To - Status 1
    Send Notice of Pending Reviews Emails To [email protected]
    Set "Contact Us" Email Dropdown List Support <[email protected]>
    Allow Guest To Tell A Friend false
    Contact Us - Show Store Name and Address 1
    Send Low Stock Emails 0
    Send Low Stock Emails To [email protected]
    Display "Newsletter Unsubscribe" Link? true
    Audience-Select Count Display true
    SMTP Email Account Mailbox
    SMTP Email Account Password
    SMTP Email Mail Host
    SMTP Email Mail Server Port
    Convert currencies for Text emails &pound;,£:&euro;,€

    E-Mail Transport Method

    Defines the method for sending mail.
    PHP is the default, and uses built-in PHP wrappers for processing.
    Servers running on Windows and MacOS should change this setting to SMTP.

    SMTPAUTH should only be used if your server requires SMTP authorization to send messages. You must also configure your SMTPAUTH settings in the appropriate fields in this admin section.

    sendmail is for linux/unix hosts using the sendmail program on the server
    "sendmail-f" is only for servers which require the use of the -f parameter to send mail. This is a security setting often used to prevent spoofing. Will cause errors if your host mailserver is not configured to use it.

    Qmail is used for linux/unix hosts running Qmail as sendmail wrapper at /var/qmail/bin/sendmail.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Gift Certificates- not going to emails to those without accounts, Is this standar

    Ok I have spent all day on this, and I am going batty, lol. The emails are in fact working, but, for some reason, anyone with a comcast account, it is not working. They receive no emails, not even a welcome letter after signup. But this was working at one time. The 3 people also checked their spam folders, and nothing there.

    What could I have done to cause this? Or what, if anything can cause this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Gift Certificates- not going to emails to those without accounts, Is this standar

    I am experiencing the same problem with email addresses. I think has tightened their anti-spam to the point where these emails are being rejected as spam and no bounce back is sent.

    The areas I think we need to look to troubleshoot this issue are listed below:

    1.) try using the sendmail-f option in the email configuration - this might write the email headers differently allowing them to pass through the spam filter at

    2.) try using SMTP to send mail instead of sendmail - this might be a problem for people like me who run their own email exchange server instead of using their web host mail server

    3.) If none of the above work, then we should look at the RFC headers that the scripts write when they compose and send an email to see if they are written in a way that causes to reject them.

    I will run some test and report back with my results. If you have found a solution please let me know. I may open a new thread on this when I report back so the thread title states the issue we are troubleshooting i.e. " emails caught in spam trap?"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Gift Certificates- not going to emails to those without accounts, Is this standar

    This problem has cleared up for me. I was running some test and now I am receiving emails at my address. I did not need to make any changes to the demail options I had set, which is transport method PHP.

    Not sure what the problem was, perhaps is playing around with their spam filters.



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR