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  1. #1

    Default Express not passing customer details?

    Using 1.3.8a with a logged in customer. Express and Payments Pro set to Payflow-UK, all working but..

    When a customer selects the Express button at shopping cart the only details passed are email and country. If express is selected as payment method at checkout then it is a bit better but first and last names, county(state) aren't passed.

    I did a search and found this had been a problem with 1.3.7 but on checking paypalwpp.php I see that the suggested fix is already in place.

    Looking at debug entry_firstname and entry_lastname are being passed in email debug notifications getOverrideAddress - 2 and ec-step1-addr_check3 and SHIPTONAME sent in ec_step1 - 2 -submit

    Here is the Paypal Debug Log - SetExpressCheckout(not sure what would be classed as sensitive info so added *********** where I thought:

    2008-08-11 02:55:37
    (live transaction) -->
    Request Headers: 
        [0] => Content-Type: text/namevalue
        [1] => X-VPS-Timeout: 45
        [2] => X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL
        [3] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart - Payflow Pro
        [4] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.3.8a
    Request Parameters: {SetExpressCheckout} Array (
        [LOCALECODE] => GB
        [CURRENCY] => GBP
        [PAYMENTACTION] => Sale
        [ADDROVERRIDE] => 1
        [SHIPTONAME] => Micky Mouse
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 999 Dare Way
        [SHIPTOSTREET2] => Tricky Meads
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Swindon
        [SHIPTOZIP] => PF2 4YZ
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => Wiltshire
        [EMAIL] => [email protected]
        [PHONENUM] => ***********
        [AMT] => 7.50
        [RETURNURL[60]] =>
        [CANCELURL[76]] =>
        [ACTION] => S
        [TENDER] => P
        [TRXTYPE] => S
        [PAGESTYLE] => StableImaging
        [REQUEST_ID] => ***********
        [USER] => ***********
        [PWD] => ***********
        [PARTNER] => ***********
        [VENDOR] => ***********
        [RESULT] => 0
        [RESPMSG] => Approved
        [TOKEN] => EC-***********
        [CORRELATIONID] => ***********
        [REQUEST_ID] => ***********
        [CURL_ERRORS] => 
    Any ideas as I can see this as being annoying to some customers?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2

    Default Re: Express not passing customer details?

    It's worse than I thought. I just had someone put through an order via payments pro uk. It took the money but did not record the sale! The only notification was from PayPal saying new funds added. Looking in admin and no sale recorded. Wish I had stayed with 1.3.7

  3. #3

    Default Re: Express not passing customer details?

    Things are getting very confusing.

    I turned on the debug log and after refunding the customer had them log back on. The order was still in their cart and they went through to check out, used the same card and this time it went through fine!! So no clue from the log what went wrong the first time.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Express not passing customer details?

    I have now uninstalled all extra modules replacing any files with their originals:

    FEC & ESU
    Google Checkout

    And I have removed Magic SEO

    Reinstalled all includes, modules paypal files just in case.

    Only changes are those to remove the 10731 shipping address error

    But alas when I go to PayPal Express, after login, the fields are still blank.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    A dummy account exists if anyone wants to see what I mean:

    Email: [email protected]
    Password: testpaypal

    The Site In Question

    The following is the Action Log:

    Aug-12-2008 03:51:19
    ec_step1 - 1
    Checking to see if we are in markflow
    cart contents: physical

    NOTE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Customer ID: 41
    Session Data: Array
    [securityToken] => ***********
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingCart Object
    [contents] => Array
    [35] => Array
    [qty] => 1


    [total] => 33
    [weight] => 3
    [cartID] =>
    [content_type] => physical
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [observers] => Array


    [navigation] => navigationHistory Object
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => logoff
    [mode] => SSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array


    [1] => Array
    [page] => login
    [mode] => SSL
    [get] => Array
    [action] => process

    [post] => Array


    [2] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => SSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec

    [post] => Array



    [snapshot] => Array

    [observers] => Array


    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => GBP
    [today_is] => 2008-08-12
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] =>
    [customer_id] => 41
    [customer_default_address_id] => 49
    [customers_authorization] => 0
    [customer_first_name] => peter
    [customer_last_name] => burns
    [customer_country_id] => 222
    [customer_zone_id] => 48
    [valid_to_checkout] => 1
    [cart_errors] =>
    [sendto] => 49
    [cart_address_id] => 49
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => table_table
    [title] => UK Standard Rate (1 x 3.00kg) (UK Standard Rate)
    [cost] => 8.5
    [module] => table



    Aug-12-2008 03:51:20
    cart contents is not all virtual or customer is not logged in ... therefore will be submitting address details

    Aug-12-2008 03:51:20
    getOverrideAddress - 4
    not logged in and not in markflow mode - nothing to override

    Aug-12-2008 03:51:20
    address details from override check:

    Aug-12-2008 03:51:20
    ec_step1 - 2 -submit
    [AMT] => 41.50
    [RETURNURL] =>
    [CANCELURL] =>;ec_cancel=1
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [PHONENUM] => 01793 777666

    And this is the Curl Log:

    2008-08-12 03:51:21
    (live transaction) -->
    Request Headers:
    [0] => Content-Type: text/namevalue
    [1] => X-VPS-Timeout: 45
    [2] => X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL
    [3] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart - Payflow Pro
    [4] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.3.8a

    Request Parameters: {SetExpressCheckout}
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [PHONENUM] => 01793 777666
    [AMT] => 41.50
    [RETURNURL[60]] =>
    [CANCELURL[85]] =>
    [ACTION] => S
    [TENDER] => P
    [TRXTYPE] => S
    [PAGESTYLE] => StableImaging
    [REQUEST_ID] => ***********
    [USER] => ***********
    [PWD] => ***********
    [PARTNER] => ***********
    [VENDOR] => ***********

    [RESULT] => 0
    [RESPMSG] => Approved
    [TOKEN] => ***********
    [CORRELATIONID] => ***********
    [REQUEST_ID] => ***********
    [CURL_ERRORS] =>

    SetExpressCheckout, Elapsed: 700ms -- Succeeded



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