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  1. #1
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    help question Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Hello. I know this in not the typical request, but here it goes...I am looking to disable the "Add to Cart" button function in Zen Cart, however, I am not looking to do this in a showcase mode. I want to disable this on a code level so I can integrate a Pay Pal shopping cart in its place...

    I am using zen cart as the framework for my store listing and displaying pages only. I dont want to use it for the actual shopping cart. I want to use the PayPal buttons on my site, so that when I click the PayPal button for "view cart", it opens a paypal page at "form method="post" action="" target="paypal" and the paypal will show the cart...

    The "View PayPal Cart" works just fine. Opens PayPal Shopping cart as should away from zen cart, rather than Zen Cart Shopping Cart. Perfect...

    The problem is the "add to cart" paypal button...I want this to act the same way and add items with my hard coded attributes to the PayPal cart with the Pay Pal button. The problem is, there is some kind of conflicting with zen cart doing it this way, And it is adding the items to the Zen Cart shopping cart rather than PayPal, even though I am using the PayPal button code on a Document General page in zencart, in a showcase mode...I have uninstalled all payment modules, shipping moduls, and totals modules, etc...

    I think it has something to do with the add to cart function and the way Zen cart handles a submit function in Includes/Functions/Function_General.php or the HTML_Output.php??

    I'm not sure how to prevent this. I really need some help with this. I hope I have described well enough. I understand it is a bit unusual, however, I would like to keep using ZenCart as my my framework for misc other functions, and style... Just not the actual Shopping cart funtion??

    Thanks for everything.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Zen Cart PayPal Problems. Need Help Please?

    I dont know how to do what you want to, but if I were a developer I would take that as a slap in the face....

    you want to use zen CART to display paypal add to cart buttons....

    Im not sure I understand why you would want to add products in 2 places either... ( zencart display paypal function )
    Zen cart PCI compliant Hosting

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by JHArizona View Post
    I really need some help with this. I hope I have described well enough. I understand it is a bit unusual, however, I would like to keep using ZenCart as my my framework for misc other functions, and style... Just not the actual Shopping cart funtion??
    Zen Cart is designed to BE your shopping cart (hence the word "Cart" in the name "Zen Cart"), not merely a catalog that feeds some other offsite shopping cart application.

    Embedding PayPal buttons is exactly opposite to the philosophy and design architecture of Zen Cart. Additionally, using PayPal as your shopping cart loses all the advanced functionality that Zen Cart offers such as sales, specials, coupons, and much more.

    Nevertheless, if your mind is made up, I'm sure there's no convincing you otherwise. As such, I suggest you find someone to hire in order to further reverse-engineer and cripple your Zen Cart software to do the opposite of what it was designed to do.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Well that is just it....I am not looking to cripple the software, but just make the PayPal add to cart button code work inthe shocase mode under a Document General type product page. Maybe just change some sort of code value or something so Zencart function is not Identical to th PayPal functon.

    When all is said and done, I should be abe to go back, and could set Zencart backto store mode and use Zencart as the cart it is meant to be as well...Not looking to insult any developers.

    When this project is complete, The idea is to have a store with zencart, that will still function as the cart the way it should, but also have the option to completly integrate it with my running ebay auctions I use, and will allow me to tie it into my existing ebay/paypal setup direct.... In order to accomplish this, I will have to get all the paypal cart button code working on "Non Product" pages as they should.

    Its a very big project, an I am looking to make it work the best as possible to get the best of both worlds..Aparently, however, This wasnt the place to ask.

    I will just keep plugging away. I WILL get it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Mary Ellen
    I came; I saw; I Zenned
    Taking over the world... one website at a time
    Make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear... or fingers to keyboard.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Very Usefull! Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted to be able to do in the end result....Didn't know such an option existed. Thank you.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    The export to ebay part will work great....D you know if there is any way that I could then bring my ebay listings over to zencart as well? Like an eaby import function?

    Just to cover both sides and keep them working as 2 seperate websites with thier own seperate shopping carts?

    Like.....Where the products would normally display on my main page, Have it so it shows my external ebay\paypal account page with all my listings in that window?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    I guess what I am trying to say, is that since I can now add products from zencart to ebay easily, Can I have a link in my categories menu of Zencart to do just the opposite. Click the eBay Listing category, and have it open my eBay Listings page, but rather than taking me to another url away from my zencart store, Open the ebay listing page as an external link website into the Main Window of my Zencart Shop?

    I really want these both to work together, but a seperate entities as they should be.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Problems using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons instead of Add to Cart

    Nevermind. I havebeen able to get everthing figured out and working.



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR