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  1. #1
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    help question Want to SCREAM!!!!

    I am at the end of my tether with this application; I'm not a young computer whizz, I'm an old bird who has followed the instructions SEVERAL times over, and it's still not installed properly.

    First time, I used Fantastico and then wondered why coding was showing up on all my pages; turns out Fantastico was installing the previous version and there is something wrong with that version when customising.

    So I've spent most of last night and some of this morning installing the current version (v1.3.9h) - FINALLY got the demo store front to show up, but when I try and access the Admin area, I get a white page with this across the top:

    My name ||my email addressMy name ||my email addressMy name ||my email addressMy name ||my email addressMy name ||my email addressMy name ||my email address

    What the heck am I doing wrong? I can't automatically install, because I don't want the previous version, but I am really ready to give up and I'm on a deadline. I'm dreading adding a custom template...

    Thanks in advance,

    M x
    Last edited by magenta; 11 Dec 2010 at 12:12 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Okay, so it turns out while I'd changed the dist-configure files on my server to configure, I'd reuploaded the old versions; now I'm getting this:

    1. This is your first time using Zen Cart™ and you haven't yet completed the normal Installation procedure.
    If this is the case for you, you will need to upload the "zc_install" folder using your FTP program, and then run zc_install/index.php via your browser (or reload this page to see a link to it).

    2. Your /includes/configure.php and/or /admin/includes/configure.php file contains invalid path information and/or invalid database-connection information.
    If you recently edited your configure.php files for any reason, or maybe moved your site to a different folder or different server, then you'll need to review and update all your settings to the correct values for your server.
    See the Online FAQ and Tutorials area on the Zen Cart™ website for assistance.


    I've DELETED my zc_install folder as a notice came up on my store page telling me to. Do I have to upload it all again?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Usually that means your path information in the congigure.php file(s) is incorrect.

    My suggestion would be to delete everything and re-install, but do it like this:

    Upload the Zencart zip file to the proper folder on your server.

    Go to your hosting control panel's file manager, highlight that zip file and click 'Extract' (usually at the top).

    That 20-minute file upload just became a 5-second unzip, with no corrupted files.

    That will put your Zencart store inside a directory called zen-cart-v1.3.9h-full-fileset-10262010. Using your FTP program, drag all the folders and files from that folder to the next level up, which will be the place you want your store. I recommend putting your store in the root (top directory) of your site, rather than in a subdirectory like /shop.

    Then run the installation. Generally, you don't have to make any changes in the paths during installation.

    BTW, I did a lot of screaming when learning Zencart. Could be worse - I had to invent new obscene words when I started working with Joomla.
    Last edited by stevesh; 11 Dec 2010 at 12:34 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Thanks, I guess I'll have to do that. I just rechecked my configure files and the paths are set to the right place *sigh*

    Here's hoping the third time's lucky *sob*

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by stevesh View Post
    BTW, I did a lot of screaming when learning Zencart. Could be worse - I had to invent new obscene words when I started working with Joomla.
    Haha that's me, too. I'm totally confused; my store is uploaded to the root directory and my configures are pointed to the right place. I just don't understand at all.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Okay, I really do want to scream now. I've reinstalled and am stuck at the exact same place. I'm assuming there's some files I need to edit manually that weren't edited in the install process

    Is it something to do with this:

    - Edit admin/includes/configure.php
    Look for the following lines and change details according to your real details

    define('HTTP_SERVER', 'your url');
    define('HTTPS_SERVER', your url');
    define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'your url');
    define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'your url');

    define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', 'your path');
    define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'your path');

    define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', 'your path');
    define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'your path');

    define('DB_PREFIX', 'your prefix');
    define('DB_SERVER', 'your mysql server ');
    define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'your username');
    define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'your password');
    define('DB_DATABASE', 'your database');

    define('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE', 'your path');

    Save it.

    - Edit includes/configure.php
    Look for the following lines and change details according to your real details

    define('HTTP_SERVER', 'your url');
    define('HTTPS_SERVER', your url');

    define('DB_PREFIX', 'your prefix');
    define('DB_SERVER', 'your mysql server ');
    define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'your username');
    define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'your password');
    define('DB_DATABASE', 'your database');

    define('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE', 'your path');

    Save it.

    - Change file permission

    One of them os /cache folder (777).
    However if you will try to change file content or to add / delete images the system will tell you exactly what folders and file must have write permission.


    Do I have to manually edit this, even though the details were just asked for in the install? Am I completely stupid? Because I'm beginning to feel like I am. This is toted as being a simple program and yet I can't even get it installed, and I'm allegedly intelligent. Guess not!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    I'm confused now. Are you moving a Zencart site, or is this a totally new installation ?

    If the latter, you don't need to edit any of the path information during the installation or afterward. Zencart will present you with what it thinks are the proper paths and, in my experience, they're always right.

    There are no files which need to be edited in order to install Zencart.

    There is a guide here:
    Last edited by stevesh; 11 Dec 2010 at 01:48 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by stevesh View Post
    I'm confused now. Are you moving a Zencart site, or is this a totally new installation ?

    If the latter, you don't need to edit any of the path information during the installation or afterward. Zencart will present you with what it thinks are the proper paths and, in my experience, they're always right.

    There are no files which need to be edited in order to install Zencart.

    There is a guide here:
    New installation. It's saying my paths are wrong, so I'm assuming I need to manually edit those configure files, but I'm getting confused about what the paths should be - namely 'cause there are several folders with the same name in the installation! - like it has a place for the path to images, but is it the one in admin includes or just includes, etc...

    I'm going to look at your link now, thanks. What I need is an example of how to edit these files for thickos lol. I wish it was all HTML, I don't know how to use this.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Okay, I've made it even worse now

    Would I be better uninstalling everything, letting Fantastico install the previous version and then just doing a manual upgrade? When I had the previous version in last night, it was all fine except for html coding showing up when I was trying to add content to my pages.

    Thanks in advance,

    M x

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Want to SCREAM!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by magenta View Post
    Okay, I've made it even worse now

    Would I be better uninstalling everything,
    If you have no data that you need to keep (In other words, a complete new store), then uninstalling/deliting everything and starting afresh is often the best idea.

    Personally I'd recommend that after you get your first working installation you should delete that too, and re-install again, just to prove it wasn't a fluke.

    Seriously, after several installs and/or attempted installs you'll start to wonder why you ever had a problem in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by magenta View Post
    letting Fantastico install the previous version and then just doing a manual upgrade?
    Fantastico invokes mixed feelings... for a first time install it generally works well, but it can seriously mess things up if you attempt an upgrade. It is generally accepted that most people are better off in the longer term by doing manual installs only.

    As for the Fantastico install then manual upgrade.. I'd advice against this, upgrades are much more difficult than a fresh install.

    Quote Originally Posted by magenta View Post
    When I had the previous version in last night, it was all fine except for html coding showing up when I was trying to add content to my pages.
    In which case all WASN'T fine ... There were probably other errors and problems that you hadn't yet experienced.

    My tip: Be patient, and don't be afraid to scrap an installation and start afresh if things don't go right the first few times. I can guarantee that after you get a working store you'll go so far on it before wishing you had done some things different (such as different categories, or a different template), and it is often quicker to start afresh than to back-track and redo, so if you've already done it a few times, this is a breeze..



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