Product Types

Files in category : Product Types
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Auction Product Type Auction Product Type : Zen Auctions is a product type which allows you to create products which do not have a fixed price, but can be bid upon by your customers. Each Auction Product can have a reserve price, a buy it no ... [more] 24 May 2016 20,183
BookX – Product Type Book BookX – Product Type Book : This module introduces a new product type “BookX” into the Zencart shopping cart system. This product type is aimed a selling books. It allows the separate management of authors, publishers, imprints, ... [more] 3 Feb 2016 1,715
assorted wine crates assorted wine crates : you can use this code for any product, not only for wine. this contribution was built because i needed to sell wine in crates of 12 bottles each. i also allow orders of single crates with 6 bottles, ... [more] 18 Aug 2011 508
printable vouchers printable vouchers : this contribution uses some custom php files, changes in some zen cart files, and requires an installation of dompdf to dynamically generate printable pdf - gift certificates which customer can use in ... [more] 10 Aug 2011 907
Hidden Wholesale Hidden Wholesale : This add on was created to supplement functionality in the Dual Pricing add on. While the Dual Pricing add on allows you to create products with wholesale prices and customers with wholesale assignmen ... [more] 9 Aug 2011 4,059
Extra description files mod Extra description files mod : This type of the product let us add some files to product description. For example if you have some detailed description of product in PDF format you can add it and your clients will be able to down ... [more] 6 May 2009 4,177
Value GV-Mod Value GV-Mod : This mod-package is divided in two mods. Value-Mod: This mod makes it possible to have an input field set the value of a Gift Certificate. Intended to be use with the GV-Product_Type-Mod that uses ... [more] 4 Feb 2009 6,269
Selling Gold? Selling Gold? : Recently a jewellery store asked me to build an online version of their store. There was an unusual request, "Some of our products, like watches, have a fixed currency price, but the prices of our gol ... [more] 9 Aug 2008 1,763
dgReviews dgReviews : This mod adds product reviews to every product page that contains (a) review(s). It also replaces the reviews button at the bottom of the product page with the default "write a review button". I'm ... [more] 21 Nov 2006 6,510
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR