Ceon Tax Declaration

The Ceon Tax Declaration module lets a store owner mark particular products as able to be exempt from tax if the customer signs a tax declaration upon checkout.

It allows the store to fully comply with Tax Declaration laws for people of special circumstance, for example those with disabilities in the UK.

Any product which is applicable for the Tax Declaration - and therefore zero tax - is marked clearly throughout the store. All product listings have an additional column which shows a tick beside a product if it is applicable, and the Product Info page carries a clear message.

All applicable customers have to do is enter their name and their declaration at the appropriate place at the checkout and their order will have the tax removed from any applicable products. The store owner can then verify the declaration directly from the order page in the admin and print off a Tax Declaration before completing the order.

Zen Cart® Versions v1.3.9
Original Author conor
Last Updated by conor - 13 Jun 2011
Downloads 283

Version History

Ceon Tax Declaration   -   Version: 1.2.0
Zen Cart® Versions v1.3.9
Date Added 13 Jun 2011
Author conor
File Size 298.2 KB
Encapsulated? No
Downloads 283

Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR