Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.
Only post once (not multiple times on the same issue) and then be patient. We are all volunteers, we all live in different time zones, we all have lives, and the expert you need at that moment may just not be available.
If you haven't received an answer in a reasonable amount of time you may reply to your own post WITH MORE information. DO NOT post "Well?" or "Can someone please help". That is considered bumping and you will probably get yelled at.
Duplicate posts are subject to being locked or deleted, as they simply bring confusion to those helping or others reading/searching for information later, and are seen as spam-like.
If your site contains material not suitable for certain audiences, please be sure to provide a warning!
The Zen Cart founders and moderators will be the final arbiters of any dispute over the interpretation of these rules.
Communicating on message boards, via PM and email is different from face-to-face communication. Only the words are seen, not your facial expressions or tone of voice. Please pay careful attention to how you use your words.
Remember that the words you enter in a burst of passion or indignant anger will be there for you and everyone else to see (even in search engines), sometimes long after those intense feelings have passed. That's not meant to discourage spontaneity, but just a friendly reminder of the long-term existence and effects of what you post.
You may, from time to time, find yourself in disagreement with someone else's opinion. At times like these, please keep in mind it's safer and more polite to take issue with the comments rather than the person.
Statements, postings, Private Message's or other communications from the Zen Cart website, that violate the above terms will be deleted from the forums upon discovery. While we may attempt to notify you if we move or delete a post, we are under no obligation to do so. Depending on the nature of the violation, the Zen Cart® Moderators, at their sole discretion may terminate a customer's account.