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  1. #11
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    Jul 2007
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    Default Re: Pc Configurator Is Done !!

    looking forward!!!!! I just need this kind of module

  2. #12
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    Idea or Suggestion Developing and Changes - PC Configurator Module

    Dear all,

    Many things have to be done.

    Today I will prepare the following :

    1. Full configuration screen in Admin area

    In PC Configuration Screen, there are 28 fields that can carry option names and values.

    So in configuration screen in Admin area we should give the option so we can select one by one which fields to activate and also select a name.

    So if we only activate 3 fields "Computer Cases", "Motherboards" and "Proccesors" then in the PC Configuration Screen in the shop, there will only be presented these 3 fields on the table and their option names and values.

    I am also thinking that there could be some modifications in `products` and `configuration` TABLES and also in products.php and configuration.php files in order that we could be able to group specific products to be presented as option names where we want it, combined with configuration settings so everyone can be able to configure all options and values based on his needs.

    Because this could take some more time, and maybe somebody else have better ideas PLEASE post any ideas here so we can make this module better from the start and allow more users use it based on their needs.
    2. Change the function which creates the Products Serial Number

    Products Serial Number was being created, cleaning the session id from letters and combine it with the floored price of the product.

    This could cause problems, when somebody tries to make another PC Configuration.

    The new function will create a unique Products Serial Number, which will be assigned to a session variable and also inserted in the database.

    So this way we can easily call and present the product which our customer last created.
    3. Change the way that we create products id

    Because of the reason of the above change, there is no need to produce products id.

    So products id will be normaly auto increment as usually.

    4. Prepare the code for a new template for selected product presentation.

    When customer selects a product in PC Configurator, this product is automatically linked with Java Script .

    This link is presented on the right side of the selection.

    When customer follow it ( press it ) a pop up window open to show the product.

    Actually the URL is based on products id and the template page is Product Info Page.

    But our customer only wants to see product details.

    So we should prepare a new template for this purpose, so the pop up window only shows product details and nothing more.

    This is for today.


    POST it here, so we can develop this module for everyone's needs.

    Thank you all in advance.

  3. #13
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    Idea or Suggestion Admin Configuration Screen for PC Configurator - Version 1

    Admin Configuration Screen for PC Configurator - Version 1 is ready.

    There are 28 Options where you can select what product group to display for every field on PC Configurator on the shop.

    This is also usefull to set the sort order of display.

    So PC Configurator fields on the shop will be exactly ordered as you see it in Admin area and they will also hold option names based on what product group you have selected for each one.

    Version 1.1 will have more options to Configure some other values needed for PC Configurator, instead of configuring these values in the "pc_configurator_defines.php" file.

    Well for now, this is something you can install in your shop and try it.

    Wait for more soon.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Admin Configuration Screen for PC Configurator - Version 1

    This mod will make a lot of people very happy, and I hope some who have use for it will post their ideas here too. When stable, I expect the code could be modified for other similar purposes also.

    Good work so far!

  5. #15
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    Default Changes for first screen - THE BASIC SCREEN

    Dear all,

    Forgive me; this is going a little bit slow but please have in mind that even my ideas work, I am a new learner of PHP, SQL and JAVA SCRIPT so I am reading and writing code at the same time. I believe that if I could explain what exactly my idea is this would be a lot easier for someone else to write the code. But please let me try. I think I am in a good way. As for my English, I hope you understand me !!!
    I am still writing code from the morning ( now here is night 01:07 )

    After the Admin Configuration Screen I have prepared new SQL Patches to insert the right structure for PC Configurator Master Category with its subcategories.

    So this way we will track with a safe way all products from a category, to assocciate them with a drop down list.

    Also , based on Configuration in Admin area we will construct the PC Configurator table. See below how this happens :

    Inside every <TR> </TR> on our table we hold 2 <TD>

    The first <TD> holds the drop down list with products and products information link and the second <TD> holds the price of selected product.

    Well in this module, we use 28 fields ( <TR> ) to show the customer the Options.

    PC Configurator table will be constructed automatically, based on what product groups we have activated.

    I tested the following and it is working good.

    Bellow it is not all the code I describe but only one query to SHOW or NOT the first <TR>



    Here we query to find IF the FIRST product group is ACTIVATED and what products should be listed in this drop down list, based on our selection in Admin->Pc Configurator. IF this product group is not activated, and has the value "off" we do not present the first <TR> at all. Also with this way, we assocciate the value of products group name we have selected to the SELECTED item in the drop down list. So if we have selected "Computer Cases" for the first product group, the first OPTION will have SELECTED the name "Computer Cases" and the drop down list will contain all products inside the category "Computer Cases" we have created before.


    $check_configuration_value_1 =
    select configuration_value
    from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . "
    where configuration_key= 'PRODUCTS_GROUP_PC_CONFIGURATOR_1'

    $configuration_value_1 =

    if( $configuration_value_1 != "off" ) {

    HERE IS THE FIRST <TR> which actualy holds 2 <TD>

    In the first <TD> we show our drop down list and products link.

    The second <TD> holds the selected product's price.

    If we have not activated the first product group , content in this area will not be presented at all.

    This way our PC Configurator Table in shop is constructed automatically, based on our selections.

    <?php } ?>
    Sorry for writing down all this, but maybe this would be helpfull for other learners and even give some new ideas.

    Well, next to come is to prepare and test code to create the drop down list.

    This list should hold Products Name and Price.

    The OLD QUERIES I have made is not the right way.

    In the old way there were LIMITS on how many products to show on the drop down list. Actually a part of these queries was made to select my shop's products based on their ORDER !!!!

    Now, with the new way, this module will be completely independable.

    I will be back soon !!!

  6. #16
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    City Drama in Greece
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    Default Unique Serial Number - Pc Configurator

    Dear all,

    I fixed the problem with UNIQUE serial number when a customer creates a new Custom PC.

    As DrByte suggested I made a new DATABASE TABLE :

    CREATE TABLE `serials` (
    `serial_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `serial_number` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`serial_id`)

    Then we use the following code to create a serial number and check if it is UNIQUE.

    If query result = created serial number, then our page reload until the serial number is UNIQUE.

    // If you want to test if this code working just comment $serial_number = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    // and uncoment $serial_number = '5' ;
    // Then you will notice that the page where you put this code will be ALLWAYS reloading !!!
    // because serial number "58ffj63g9c6ds56gfd45ghd4ghds56gfsa326" exist on the data base

    $serial_number = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));

    //$serial_number = '58ffj63g9c6ds56gfd45ghd4ghds56gfsa326' ;

    $check_serial = "SELECT serial_number
    WHERE serial_number = '" . $serial_number . "'";

    $serial_execute = $db->Execute($check_serial);

    $serial_result = $serial_execute->fields['serial_number'];

    if($serial_result != "" ) { ?>

    <SCRIPT language=Javascript>

    window.location.reload( true );





    $productserial = $serial_number;
    //echo $productserial;

    $db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_SERIALS . " (serial_number) VALUES ('" . $productserial . "')");

    Many thanks to DrByte for the idea of creatingr a new DATABASE TABLE

    As we talk about RELOADING I would love to share the MATRIX RELOADED swf I use on my website

    Waiting for new suggestions
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    City Drama in Greece
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    Idea or Suggestion Creating Master Category and Subcategories for PC Configurator

    Patches for Creating Master Category and Subcategories for PC Configurator are ready.

    This way we produce the Structure for Our Master category and all subcategories where we will place our products.

    If there are products already in the database we can link them or duplicate them to the category we want or also use the module quick updates to change massively many product's categories in seconds.

    Well, when time comes will can solve this issue easily.

    Below is the SQL Patches :

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28100, '', 0, 0, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28100, 1, 'PC Configurator Options', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28101, '', 28100, 1, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28101, 1, 'Computer Case', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28128, '', 28100, 28, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28128, 1, 'Power Supply', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28102, '', 28100, 2, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28102, 1, 'Intel Motherboard', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28103, '', 28100, 3, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28103, 1, 'AMD Motherboard', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28104, '', 28100, 4, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28104, 1, 'Intel Proccesor', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28105, '', 28100, 5, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28105, 1, 'AMD Proccesor', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28106, '', 28100, 6, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28106, 1, 'Ram Memory', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28107, '', 28100, 7, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28107, 1, 'Extra Ram Memory', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28108, '', 28100, 8, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28108, 1, 'Hard Disk Drive', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28109, '', 28100, 9, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28109, 1, 'Extra Hard Disk Drive', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28110, '', 28100, 10, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28110, 1, 'Graphics Card - VGA', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28111, '', 28100, 11, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28111, 1, 'Floppy Disk Drive', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28112, '', 28100, 12, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28112, 1, 'CD ROM - DVD ROM', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28113, '', 28100, 13, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28113, 1, 'DVD RW - CD ROM', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28114, '', 28100, 14, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28114, 1, 'Modem - Fax', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28115, '', 28100, 15, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28115, 1, 'Extra PC Parts', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28116, '', 28100, 16, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28116, 1, 'Other Extra Options', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28117, '', 28100, 17, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28117, 1, 'Keyboard + Mouse SET', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28118, '', 28100, 18, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28118, 1, 'Keyboard', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28119, '', 28100, 19, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28119, 1, 'Mouse', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28120, '', 28100, 20, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28120, 1, 'Sound Card', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28121, '', 28100, 21, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28121, 1, 'Speakers', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28122, '', 28100, 22, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28122, 1, 'Display Monitor', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28123, '', 28100, 23, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28123, 1, 'Operating System', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28124, '', 28100, 24, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28124, 1, 'Printer', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28125, '', 28100, 25, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28125, 1, 'Scanner', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28126, '', 28100, 26, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28126, 1, 'Software/Applications', '');

    INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES (28127, '', 28100, 27, now(), now(), 1);
    INSERT INTO `categories_description` VALUES (28127, 1, 'Support Services/Internet Services', '');

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    City Drama in Greece
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    Default PC Configurator TABLE READY

    I wrote the code to query the database to gather all values ( actually categories names ) .

    A file is included in the first screen to run all queries.

    Then table is automatically created, based on your selections in Admin->Configuration-> PC Configurator.

    It is working fine so far.

    We also use selected values to display the selected names on option names.

    This screen is created automatically now !!!

    Now we will procced to query for every categories products to assocciated it with option names, based on our selections in configuration.

    As you can see I use page_4 - page_3 and page_2.

    It would be very nice if someone help to create 3-4 new pages for pc_configurator.php

    I am also thinking for extra configuration values even if this module is not yet done. It would be easily customizable even for other products configuration; not only computers.

    So I am waiting for your suggestions If you have any.

    Thank you all in advance

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Idea or Suggestion Needed Changes to some admin files

    Dear all,

    Pc Configurator is developing quite fast.

    Some changes has been made to 3 files in Admin, collect_info.php, update_product.php and copy_to_confirm.php.

    These changes has to do with the new column in products_description which is description_categories_id.

    So this new column has been created

    ALTER TABLE `products_description` ADD COLUMN `description_categories_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `products_id`;
    for more flexibility in queries.

    The queries for products in specific categories, so they can be presented on <selects> based on the configuration in admin->Pc Configurator.

    As I am new in PHP, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX, SQL I took my time to read more and search deeper in Zen Cart and generaly in the above languages.

    So new ideas came, as for compatibility check when someone configures a computer and some of them are under construction.

    As for writing code for queries, more and more complex ( actualy I understand most of it but writing so complex is not so easy in the start - most times I copy-paste what I need and/or modify ) I am trying to find a good way to loop in a specific category, query all of it's products and put it in an array(?) to present it in an <OPTION> in the shop where <OPTION>(S) is where customers configure their computer.

    Well, I found plenty of them in Zen Cart, and also on the net, but I suppose I better use code from Zen Cart . It is doing all the job !!!

    Next days I am going to start testing which of...let's call them "subs" [ queries ]
    I am going to use.

    Please if someone have in mind a good way to loop through a category, select all of it's products and present it on a <SELECT> , would be nice to inform me.

    Another issue I mentioned above is about compatibility when configuring a computer.

    I was thinking of using some AJAX as our main PC Configurator page loads once
    and we are in the need of presenting specific items [pc_parts] based on customer's selection, as one of them is when customer select Motherboard we should present only compatible proccesors and so on.

    I am thinking about adding some new fields in admin/includes/modules/product/collect_info.php (I have already added one hidden field which is 'description_caterogies_id' and being updated(or inserted) automatically as 'master_categories_id' does) where administrator can select compatibility for some products.

    But, these fields are going to be presented based on the products category, so when you insert a motherboard you will have the oportunity to select proccesors and ram compatibility and when you insert a graphics card, power supply compatibility and so on.

    Based on these selections, we can use some AJAX to present the right products to the customer, these which are compatible to each other.

    There is another issue about products picture where I will also need some help. Even it is working, because of the reason there are 2 pictures, one for Intel PC's and one for AMD when you delete all automatically created products, these pictures are also being deleted. I just found a temporarily way, not to delete these pictures, by keeping 2 products, one of each category, and just flag their status to off.

    Well the basic idea grown to much and I am now thinking more wide, so we can make this module more flexible day by day.

    This way it could have many uses; not only to configure a computer but also other products.

    Have a nice day ( or night ! )

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Default Re: PC Configurator For Zen Cart

    I too started working on a configurator. Mine isn't by default for Zen Cart, but I wanted to integrate it in Zen as soon as is finished.

    Actually I almost completed the front-end interface (still some things to do, like table layout for products and ability to sort the table on the fly, evaluate if give the ability to add more than 1 unit for the same item, create a link for details (probably tooltip or modal window that retrieves info via AJAX)...) and of course all the graphics.

    I'm using a different approach:

    A step process, to take account of the compatibility: example, step 1 select motherboards, step 2 select cpu but only among cpus compatible with the motherboard selected in step 1.

    All the logic is done, just left some php controls and queries...

    But unfortunately I'm not so quick as you ;)

    I'm using jquery as js framework, with Interface plugin, some custom code and AJAX to load php page.

    A pre-pre-alpha demo is here:
    Paolo De Dionigi
    Co-maintainer of Zen Cart Italia


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