
Type: Posts; User: kalm

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  1. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    Unfortunately, I am still getting time_outs from time to time. Problem is not 100% fixed.
  2. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    I was watching this particular customer placing an order on Who's online page. Is was not many seconds from the moment he pushed Confirm Order button and after the payment appeared back to store with...
  3. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success


    I was testing the change for a few days. Not many real orders were paid via Bambora I have problem with. First 9 orders were placed with no problem, but today I got one order with time_out...
  4. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    Thank you, Cindy!
    Seems to be it started to work :clap:
    At least my 10 attempts did not catch the problem. Also on Developer Tool Console I do not see blocked cookies any more when I come back to...
  5. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    Now tried the second code, but it got worst. It started to log me out of my account every time after payment.
    Before I could't catch this in Safari, but with second code same problem started on...
  6. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    Hi! Thank you for response!

    I have first variant:

    session_set_cookie_params(0, $path, (zen_not_null($cookieDomain) ? $domainPrefix . $cookieDomain : ''), $secureFlag, TRUE);
  7. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    Need to test more on other browsers. Just tried on Safari for more than 10 times, all working.
    SameSite cookies is something new for me. Is it like setting in chrome (just quickly googled it)?
  8. v157 Re: Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success

    No idea. I do not remember changing it ever. But I tried to put it to False, as it is default. No difference.
  9. v157 Bambora Payform - Session expired after some payments instead of checkout_success


    I use Zen Cart for almost 10 years, never posted questions, because always found a solution reading this forum.
    But now I am stuck :down:

    I have upgraded to 157 about a week ago from 155f...
Results 1 to 9 of 9
Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR