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  1. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    i read that myself to say one is actually the recording of the initial payment intent, after that you see the result only if they proceeded to enter their details and pay.

    Plus side though, say...
  2. v158 Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread] ok, i've figured out the issue i am having solely revolves around this setting to pre-append images with a url. I unfortunately only need it for one category as the...
  3. Replies

    v158 Re: css issues on responsive_classic

    I just realised this thread is terribly titled and is not very clear, I should clarify its the changes i am making im having issues with, if an admin could edit that to "help with template tweaking...
  4. Replies

    Re: MultiSite Module Support Forum

    I don't need it myself now but it sounds like you are close, i decided it probably wasn't the best idea to try ticket sales in such a way, i assume what i managed to get was no help :/
  5. v158 Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    If I was using zen 1.58 and was using numinix product fields to fetch the images correctly too run a product feed of mixed images (self hosted and off site) and then upgraded zencart and ditched...
  6. Replies

    v158 Re: css issues on responsive_classic

    Thankyou dbltoe, i was just coming back to update this to say qr ticketing module not done yet but good news at least as things are looking alot closer to being good to go live i'm basically learning...
  7. Replies

    v158 Re: css issues on responsive_classic

    number 2 resolved, thought id got a lead on the font issue and found this..... .onerow-fluid{width:75% !important;margin:auto;} which i just changed too 100% right at bottom of stylesheet.css no...
  8. Replies

    v158 css issues on responsive_classic

    So as the title says, I have a few css issues in my hope to make a really wild edit of the responsive_classic template as i thought it may save me a good old bit of time and so far so good with the...
  9. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    I am not sure exactly how i did it but it seems to now be displaying with klarna and clearpay options as expected... Also, this shows up in a different place on my crazygamer store, i get checkout...
  10. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    The label's for attribute doesn't match any element id. This might prevent the browser from correctly autofilling the form and accessibility tools from working correctly.
    To fix this issue, make...
  11. Replies

    Re: payment integration module Is the trigger page of the error, id expect that not too trigger an "order comments" not left error? hope that clears it up if i badly explained the issue?
  12. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    well earlier co pilot gave me this, i didn't add it because i think its skipping the issue, basically i visit the payment fields without opc and this would only be triggered after a payment is done,...
  13. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    i'm not actually used too using one page checkout, its a feature id like to use but would most likely cause issues with my qr ticketing system too. If one page checkout is set as default on a zen...
  14. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    i have the same issue here, did you resolve this?

    as numinix asked about your order confirmation page and you never got back to them i'm hoping and assume you resolved the issue?

    I do actually...
  15. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    i always realise before i press save. im uk so to me that and color (we spell colour) has got me revisiting things in the past lol

    global $locales;
    // $locales = ['en_US', 'en_US.utf8', 'en',...
  16. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    UPDATE: Soooo.. currency is working now but on mobiles it displays as usd and not gbp. it seems related to my font issue. i did notice a few of my css rules seemed to not have gaps between yesterday,...
  17. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    I'm having another font issue, this time it's fonts that do not work from adobe fonts for mobile devices but... to be more precise just the font i really like and spent hours sifting though the font...
  18. v157 Re: Zen 1.57c and going VAT registered, is there a zen to do list for this?

    OR.. you can claim back everything since date of incorporation for things like all this stock i have built up :) I can't get a company car or i'd definetly be at a dealership right now. I'm only...
  19. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    looks like someone hacked his mail account to add a custom signature on, either that or he really does dig the new service his email tag recommends??

    Maybe screenshot his email and ask?? lol
  20. Replies

    Re: MultiSite Module Support Forum

    Does anyone still use this module? it shows as compatible upto 1.56, hoping it is available for 1.58a? I was told it is no longer working though for modern versions of zencart?
  21. v158 Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    perfect thankyou :) I can't wait to give it a whirl!
  22. v158 Re: Google Product Search Feeder II [Support Thread]

    hey guys, super happy to have found this module after realising mine is almost ready to fail me completely. Thankyou lat9 for updating this :)

    I've just downloaded the zip file and wanted to...
  23. Re: A !!!Battle Of The Bands!!! module... nearly running?!?

    Happy to report I now have 3 working pages and an admit jury function that sent a jury invitation email out. Full blown database meltdown seemed apparent after the link sent me to a hostinger branded...
  24. Re: A !!!Battle Of The Bands!!! module... nearly running?!?

    turns out it will work if on zen 157 and below after getting fed up and throwing it up as a job on freelancer. It needs rebuilding to work on zen 1.58 and too add insult to injury, when i asked...
  25. Re: A !!!Battle Of The Bands!!! module... nearly running?!?

    {"status":"success","genres":[{"id":"3","name":"Alternative"},{"id":"2","name":"Metal"},{"id":"1","name":"Rock"}]}{"status":"error","message":"Invalid request."}{"error":"No genre...
  26. Re: A !!!Battle Of The Bands!!! module... nearly running?!?

    Thankyou Carl,

    I know its not the usual way to develop a module but for myself it is something i wanted to create for a long time and something i've not had luck finding someone available or keen...
  27. Replies

    Re: is there a payment module for klarna?

    I tried with chatgpt to make a klarna module. Maybe somebody who...
  28. A !!!Battle Of The Bands!!! module... nearly running?!?

    I'm hoping that the following means my module is actually close to working???

    Ok so I created this module with the help of chatgpt and somewhere along the line something has gone amiss. On the...
  29. v158 Re: redirect issues, href anchors not working


    I added the full url of the ezpage to the front of one of the links after looking at it less tired and it worked so i sent it to notepad and used find next to quickly find all "href="...
  30. v158 Re: redirect issues, href anchors not working

    thankyou melanie, i got a bit sidetracked with another project element and just spotted the email notification. it Definetly sounds like a job for the to do list, it has apparently been like that for...
  31. v158 Re: redirect issues, href anchors not working

    My apologies, tired and trying to resolve small issues late into the night whilst my usual developer was busy with seasonal things and other clients emergencies and getting forgetful to include that...
  32. v158 redirect issues, href anchors not working

    Hi folks, hoping someone can help me with a bit of guidance. I had a page with anchor points for my privacy policy. It was generated by a legal documents site based on my answers to a questionnaire...
  33. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    it seems as the modules last updater you know alot more than you let on an most likely more than me too, just ignore me lol :D
  34. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    legend thank you, I used the demo.html url to view the icons and changed the calls to the included icons for the first tab and it now has fully functional icons, seemed easiest fix for the time...
  35. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    Thankyou Barco, your a gem bud :)

    I personally believe it would effect the fonts on the main pages such as those in the banners if not every font in the site, it may be that the icons disappear...
  36. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    i know what your thinking, why doesn't it start with
    <!DOCTYPE html> sadly when i start it like that I see the following above my content
    OCTYPE html>
  37. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    This is why chatgpt isn't a completely reliable tool, it bases it's responses off what it's found online and people often share errors online and not success :s

    I just started with a description...
  38. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    I corrected the code as suggested, sadly even with and without the url for font awesome included it isn't working. seems the website uses 4.7 and ive set the code to use that here but font awesome 4...
  39. Re: Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    wokiee its called, its on envato market
  40. Ez page and awesome fonts loading issue's

    I am currently in the process of updating my site to a new template, currently working on my testing subdomain to create an ez page with a bit of flare with the help of chatgpt, it looked fine until...
  41. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    no... I was telling you how to amend that defined text you wanted to change as i spotted nobody got back to you on that :)
  42. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    If you use developers toolkit you can search for the description and it will tell you the filename and line number, from there you make a backup of that file and change the description by replacing...
  43. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    That just made my day!! Excellent!
  44. Replies

    Re: payment integration module

    stripe is also available in the UK is this module able to work for a uk site with some changes? My current provider has 2 seperate monthly charges, one for them and one for barclaycard. I get cheap...
  45. v157 Re: Zen 1.57c and going VAT registered, is there a zen to do list for this?

    It seems like something I should be able to sort out myself after seeing the to do list. Thankyou Balihr :)

    And agreed my prices will need to rise eventually for most items schoolboy, however I...
  46. v157 Re: Zen 1.57c and going VAT registered, is there a zen to do list for this?

    yeah all will be vat inclusive orders but at the moment every item is setup as 0% tax as im not registered just yet, it's due anyday though. Is there an easy way to set everything to change to 20%...
  47. v157 Zen 1.57c and going VAT registered, is there a zen to do list for this?

    Given recent changes in the tax laws and upgrade of zencart, it would seem the topics are outdated that may have been helpful...

    Has anyone recently gone VAT registered that can assist me in...
  48. Replies

    Re: is there a payment module for klarna?

    this is on my list of requirements in a brief for some work to my website i posted to freelancer, I'll upload it when completed, may be a week or two before work can begin though as my budget for web...
  49. Replies

    v158 Re: Using AI to make modules?

    i've tried to install modules with varying levels of success. I am not a developer but the one i hired undercharged me as the job took longer than she expected. Process of code is to generate a qr...
  50. Replies

    v158 Re: Using AI to make modules?

    I've just paid a bit more for the additional features i feel it needs to be complete and well rounded, estimated time to completion of upgrades is 2-3 days and then the developer is happy to compile...
Results 1 to 50 of 226
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR