has anyone had an issue with the status dropdown only having All Orders in it and none of the other statuses.
AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
The Zen Cart Forum...Better than a monitor covered with post-it notes!
Well should the dropdown for status have more than all orders in it? I would think that it would list all of the statuses I use in the shop. We have orders pending, processing, shipped, downloaded and cancelled. Pending orders may sit for a while over the close of a quarter and I wouldn't want them to be picked up for a tax report. cancelled orders are kept in the cart because the accountant and the irs like to see consecutive order numbers with out breaks.....so the 2 statuses I want to pull reports on would be shipped and downloaded as those are the only ones completed and money (including tax) collected
AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
The Zen Cart Forum...Better than a monitor covered with post-it notes!
This report is not setup for all that information. It gives the user the large picture of total sales and taxes.
I have not tried this Sales Report but it sounds like it might have what you are looking for.
Then I suppose the dropdown on the report page and shown in the attached image is legacy code......too bad. Though at least I don't have too many pending and cancelled I would need to make sure are excluded from the report when doing the paperwork....
We already use the other sales report heavily but it doesn't do taxes like this one does, well actually it does taxes but not as well as this one does
Last edited by barco57; 30 Aug 2008 at 11:50 PM.
AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
The Zen Cart Forum...Better than a monitor covered with post-it notes!
ok it definitely must be legacy code because the help popup in the report page has the following:Selecting report summary by status
To show the monthly or daily summary information for just one Order Status, select the status in the drop-down box at the upper right of the report screen. Depending on the store's setup for these values, there may be a status for "Pending" or "Shipped" for instance. Change this status and the report will be recalculated and displayed.
AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
The Zen Cart Forum...Better than a monitor covered with post-it notes!
Now that I am on the same page as you are. Sorry it took me awhile to catchup.
The drop down order status works.
What ever order status display in the admin home page will be in the drop down plus All Orders.
Pending PayPal Notification:
I am running zc 1.3.8 php 5.0 mysql 5.0 and have no issues.
This link example of selecting pending give us status=1 that is the value that is searched in the orders_status table a very simple query.
There was a version update to 1.2 that fixed some issues with php 5.0 that some where having.
Hmmmm......I have this loaded on several carts (1.3.8a, 1.3.6, 1.3.7) and the report displays fine except for the dropdown is not populated with any other status except "All Orders" on all of the installs....very weird
AEIIA - Zen Cart Certified & PCI Compliant Hosting
The Zen Cart Forum...Better than a monitor covered with post-it notes!
Try this work around in the url location address bar add the status string.
This is what you should have for All
For pending try
For Processing try
For Shipped try
This will just bypass the drop down
I wonder if the other report mod is using the same 'orders_status_array'?