I'm confused about Security Alert: SQL Injection Protection 2008-09-19.

The announcement here --


-- has an update Sept 23 saying "The attached patch file is an update to, and should replace, the one originally issued on Sept 19."

But, the "update" (security_patch_v138_20080919.php) is identical to the one I already installed on Sept 22.

Could someone please clarify whether this is the latest version? It's confusing that the file name and contents still have the date Sept 19. I'm pasting the file below.

Thanks and best wishes,

 * Security Patch v1.3.8 20080919
 * @package initSystem
 * @copyright Copyright 2003-2008 Zen Cart Development Team
 * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
 * @version $Id: security_patch_v138_20080919.php 9900 2008-09-22 21:39:12Z wilt $
 * Security Patch
 * Multiple Vulnerabilities
 * SQL Injection - $_POST['products_id'] 
 * SQL Injection - $_POST['id']
 * Please Note : This file should be placed in includes/extra_configures and will automatically load.
if (isset($_POST['id']) && is_array($_POST['id']) && count($_POST['id']) > 0)
  $_POST['id'] = securityPatchSanitizePostVariableId($_POST['id']);
if (isset($_POST['products_id']) && is_array($_POST['products_id']) && count($_POST['products_id']) > 0)
  $_POST['products_id'] = securityPatchSanitizePostVariableProductsId($_POST['products_id']);
function securityPatchSanitizePostVariableId ($arrayToSanitize)
  foreach ($arrayToSanitize as $key => $variableToSanitize)
      if (is_integer($key))
        if (is_array($arrayToSanitize[$key]))
          $arrayToSanitize[$key] = securityPatchSanitizePostVariableId($arrayToSanitize[$key]);
          $arrayToSanitize[$key] = (int) $variableToSanitize;
    if (ereg_replace('[0-9a-zA-z:_]', '', $key) != '')
  return $arrayToSanitize;
function securityPatchSanitizePostVariableProductsId ($arrayToSanitize)
  foreach ($arrayToSanitize as $key => $variableToSanitize)
      $arrayToSanitize[$key] = ereg_replace('[^0-9a-fA-F:.]', '', $variableToSanitize);
    if (ereg_replace('[0-9a-zA-z_]', '', $key) != '')
  return $arrayToSanitize;