I have an old zen-cart, recently upgraded to 1.3.8a. There may have been some modifications to the way images are handled a while ago(undocumented, and puzzle for me). There is a homemade file with an imaging function called maximagez.php in admin/includes/functions/extra_functions which is supposed to cap the size of any image at 800x600. I think its screwing up other stuff though.

I have _MED and _LRG files saved in their appropriate directories and they work properly. Except, when the _LRG images are displayed, their img tags are loaded with the wrong sizes. Right file, but wrong width and height values. It's using the heights and widths from my "small" image specification, not large. But it is the large file (filename_LRG.jpg)

I have proportional images turned on, and when I turn it off the large images/popup works, but then the small images width's and heights get switched?? In firefox, small images then show as 80px × 100px (scaled to 100px × 80px). I can't say I know where the 100px width is coming from, I have 80px set in Configuration >> Images. If anyone knows how to straighten out the popup for the large image - I'm all ears.

Can I dump this function altogether? Capping at 800x600 isn't a big deal to me and I think this function has been hacked away at enough that nobody knows what its doing anymore. Given the filename and location I'm willing to try.