Does anyone have experience with this Payment Module: PayPal Express Checkout / PayPal Express Checkout with recurring

I followed the upload directions to the letter and I am getting the following errors. At this point I am a bit confused what went wrong

Under the new Subscription tab:
1146 Table 'mys0832911580xxx.zen_subscription' doesn't exist
[select count(*) as total from zen_subscription s ,zen_products_description pd where s.product_id=pd.products_id]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields

After uploading the .php files and backing up the database I ran the SQL Database Script below but apparently the database table was not created or was not created properly. If I attempt to run it a 2nd time I get and error stating :

1146 Table 'mys0832911580xxx.zen_zen_products' doesn't exist
[ALTER TABLE zen_zen_products add(products_recurring tinyint(1));]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

Any Ideas how to fix this?

This is the Data.sql contents:

CREATE TABLE `zen_subscription` (
`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) default NULL,
`product_id` int(10) default NULL,
`sub_price` varchar(100) default NULL,
`billing_frequency` int(10) default NULL,
`duration_in` varchar(10) default NULL,
`sub_description` text,
`sub_trial_confirm` int(1) default NULL,
`trial_billing_period1` varchar(10) default NULL,
`trial_billing_frequency1` int(10) default NULL,
`trial_amount1` varchar(100) default NULL,
`trial_to_total_billing_cycles1` int(10) default NULL,

CREATE TABLE `zen_customer_subscription` (
`cust_subscription_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`profile_id` varchar(100) default NULL,
`customer_id` int(10) default NULL,
`order_id` int(10) default NULL,
`subscription_id` int(10) default NULL,
`status` char(1) default NULL,
`modified_date` varchar(100) default NULL,
`product_id` int(10) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`cust_subscription_id`)

alter table zen_products add(products_recurring tinyint(1));