just an update for anyone using ceon url mapping add on with CAPTCHA Anti-Robot Registration,
i was getting no captcha showing at all
in /includes/templates/YOURTEMPLTE/ tpl_modules_create_account.php
at line 189
change to
PHP Code:
if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'create-account') && CREATE_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION == 'true' || strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'login') && CREATE_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION == 'true' || strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'create_account') && CREATE_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION == 'true') {
if ($is_read_only == false || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'create-account')) || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'login')) || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'create_account'))) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ANTI_ROBOT_REGISTRATION . " WHERE timestamp < '" . (time() - 3600) . "' OR session_id = '" . zen_session_id() . "'";
if( !$result = $db->Execute($sql) ) { die('Could not delete validation key'); }
$reg_key = generate_captcha_code();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". TABLE_ANTI_ROBOT_REGISTRATION . " VALUES ('" . zen_session_id() . "', '" . $reg_key . "', '" . time() . "')";
if( !$result = $db->Execute($sql) ) { die('Could not check registration information'); }
this works for me and lets you use captcha if ceon is on or off
and in includes/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/tpl_contact_us_default.php at line 83 change to
PHP Code:
if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'contact-us') && CONTACT_US_VALIDATION == 'true' || strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'contact_us') && CONTACT_US_VALIDATION == 'true' || strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'login') && LOGIN_VALIDATION == 'true') {
if ($is_read_only == false || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'contact-us')) || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'contact_us')) || (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'login'))) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ANTI_ROBOT_REGISTRATION . " WHERE timestamp < '" . (time() - 3600) . "' OR session_id = '" . zen_session_id() . "'";
if( !$result = $db->Execute($sql) ) { die('Could not delete validation key'); }
$reg_key = generate_captcha_code();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". TABLE_ANTI_ROBOT_REGISTRATION . " VALUES ('" . zen_session_id() . "', '" . $reg_key . "', '" . time() . "')";
if( !$result = $db->Execute($sql) ) { die('Could not check registration information'); }
again this should let you use captcha with ceon offf or on.
hope this helps someone