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  1. #1
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    Default I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    I have a couple of things in my header that have moved slightly in IE, therefore I need to write a hack which goes in the html "head".

    What is the file name and where would that HTML code be located with in the Zen Cart folder on my server?

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    IE hacks are generally stylesheet things. They can go directly into the regular stylesheet or in a separate just-for-IE stylesheet. No need to modify code to do this.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    Quote Originally Posted by rstevenson View Post
    IE hacks are generally stylesheet things. They can go directly into the regular stylesheet or in a separate just-for-IE stylesheet. No need to modify code to do this.

    Thanks for the quick reply,
    I've only every used IE hacks where the syntax refers to or calls an external style sheet. Would you have a sample hack line that works within the style sheet that you could copy & paste here for me to follow?

    May thanks

  4. #4
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    Default Is there a way to write a EI hack in the style sheet?

    I am looking for a sample syntax to write a IE hack within the style sheet. I searched everywhere both here and google, but there is not much to go with. I got an answer to a similar post that said this (CSS) is the way to IE Hack in Zen Cart, but never got a reply to my request for the sample code to use.

    One suggestion I found from searching is to put an underscore at the beginning of the code you want IE to read " { _margin: 10px}"
    another was to simply comment out the code you want IE to read.

    Neither of these worked for me as I just tested them. They also open a ton of variable questions... should I subtract distances from the non-IE CSS or do these "within CSS hacks" ignore the first line before the hack? Also, what IE version is addressed?-- (because they (v5,v6,v7) are all bad in their own way.)

    I am used to writing "if statement" hacks in the head of the html for my IE hacks and they always work beautifully.

    Is there a way to/ file I can open to place an "if statement" into the head of my ZC site's html?

    Or can anyone provide the correct syntax for the "within" CSS hack way.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Is there a way to write a EI hack in the style sheet?

    There's a mod that does this for you. You just add it to your site and put browser specific CSS in stylesheets named as per the instructions. You can find it here.
    Kuroi Web Design and Development | Twitter

    (Questions answered in the forum only - so that any forum member can benefit - not by personal message)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Is there a way to write a EI hack in the style sheet?

    I have been using Kuroi's module for most of my projects

    And here is another one by numinix:
    I no longer provide installation support on forum for all my modules. However, if there are real bugs with the modules please feel free to contact me

  7. #7
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    Default Re: I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    I've never used any, so I don't have anything handy. But if you Google "Holly hack" you'll find all sorts of advise.

    I'm assuming, since I can't see your site, that you need something like the Holly hack. It can either go in a separate IE-specific stylesheet, or it can go in the regular stylesheet with suitable surrrounding comment characters to prevent other browsers from seeing it. Google will reveal all.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    Moderator's note: your 2 threads have been merged. Please do not post the same problem in multiple places.
    Please do not PM for support issues: a private solution doesn't benefit the community.

    Be careful with unsolicited advice via email or PM - Make sure the person you are talking to is a reliable source.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: I neeed to add a "iehack" can't fine html head?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Moderator's note: your 2 threads have been merged. Please do not post the same problem in multiple places.
    Sorry, at first I was looking for the head sectionin the html code which was a correct and logical choice for my problem, and from the answer I received I was told it was a CSS issue, and when I got no further replies or even a reply back for more info, I thought it was posted in the wrong place. ZenCart is a fantastic engine, but unfortunately not as predictable as other non shopping cart CMS engines I've used, eventually I'll get things right.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Is there a way to write a EI hack in the style sheet?

    Quote Originally Posted by kuroi View Post
    There's a mod that does this for you. You just add it to your site and put browser specific CSS in stylesheets named as per the instructions. You can find it here.
    Thanks kuroi;
    That worked perfectly!



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