I have added this body of code to my CSS file which helps with the bottom of my center column pages.

#productGeneral, #contactUsDefault, #indexProductList, #indexDefault, #checkoutShipping, #checkoutPayment, #checkoutConfirmDefault, #shoppingCartDefault, #timeoutDefault, #checkoutSuccess, #newProductsDefault, #allProductsDefault, #accountDefault, #accountEditDefault, #addressBookDefault, #accountPassword, #acctNewslettersDefault, #accountNotifications, #loginDefault, #logoffDefault, #privacy, #siteMap, #shippingInfo, #advSearchDefault {
border:1px solid #4A5D2A;
margin:10px 5px 10px 5px;
padding:10px 5px 50px;

In FF this works great no problems anywhere.

However in IE i get 2 of the pages not working correctly they work as if i had just change the .centercolumn file which has the same effect as im having in IE set up.


Please look at the catalog listings pages for Cloudbreak wines and scroll to the bottom of the page the add to basket button is not with the white box.
Also if you create an account and go to make changes to account. Get the same problem.
These 2 pages only have this problem in IE. Not in Firefox.

Any help?