Hi there again!

I have another problem...

I want to make custom shipping methods like:

* Runner

* Express Runner

I made them by editing: includes\languages\mytemplate\modules\shipping\ *

* freeoptions.php /

* item.php /

define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ITEM_TEXT_TITLE', 'Express Runner');
And yes thats made the trick, now my customers can choose "custom" shipping methods.

and i made these changes with some other files so now i have this in shipping methods section:

Runner (Paypal pay)
Runner ( Personal pay + 800 HUF ) [pay to the runner]

Express runner ( Paypal pay )
Express Runner ( Personal pay + 2500 HUF ) [pay to the runner]

Store pickup ( Paypal pay )

my main questing is:

Is it possible if i choose Runner ( Personal pay + 800 HUF ) [ ] on the next page (payment selection) Disable PAYPAL from choosable option?! and only COD would be avaliable?
Cause its a big problem if they choose the personal pay, and they dont pay attention and they pay with paypal, and when the runner arrives with the stuff they have to pay once more ... they will be angry cause they already payed once...

Pls help!!