I just noticed that The new product module does not display products added on todays date when the Upcoming products mask is activated.

I had to modify the functions_lookup.php to change the date mask so that it would add one day to todays date in order to make the items display. Not the best solution but it works. Here is the code
I added one day to the $upcoming_mask_range.

Any other suggestions? didnt anybody else notice this behavior?

Thank you!

// build date range for new products
  function zen_get_new_date_range($time_limit = false) {
    if ($time_limit == false) {
      $time_limit = SHOW_NEW_PRODUCTS_LIMIT;
    // 120 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60secs
    $date_range = time() - ($time_limit * 24 * 60 * 60);
    $upcoming_mask_range = (time() + (24*60*60));
    $upcoming_mask = date('Ymd', $upcoming_mask_range);

// echo 'Now:      '. date('Y-m-d') ."<br />";
// echo $time_limit . ' Days: '. date('Ymd', $date_range) ."<br />";
    $zc_new_date = date('Ymd', $date_range);
    switch (true) {
    case (SHOW_NEW_PRODUCTS_LIMIT == 0):
      $new_range = '';
    case (SHOW_NEW_PRODUCTS_LIMIT == 1):
      $zc_new_date = date('Ym', time()) . '01';
      $new_range = ' and p.products_date_added >=' . $zc_new_date;
      $new_range = ' and p.products_date_added >=' . $zc_new_date;

      // do nothing upcoming shows in new
    } else {
      // do not include upcoming in new
      $new_range .= " and (p.products_date_available <=" . $upcoming_mask . " or p.products_date_available IS NULL)";
    return $new_range;

// build date range for upcoming products
  function zen_get_upcoming_date_range() {
    // 120 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60secs
    $date_range = time();
    $zc_new_date = date('Ymd', $date_range);
// need to check speed on this for larger sites
//    $new_range = ' and date_format(p.products_date_available, \'%Y%m%d\') >' . $zc_new_date;
    $new_range = ' and p.products_date_available >' . $zc_new_date . '235959';

    return $new_range;