Let me field some easy questions and maybe the author can reply more in-depth.
SitemapXML does not replace any core files, therefore will not interfere with ZC built-in functions.
However, the ZC sitemap is not in XML format, and will not be accepted by search engines.
The whole idea of sitemapXML is to automate the creation of a standards-compliant sitemap and its submission to search engines.
Bottom line, they are different animals.
seconds The maximum execution time, in seconds. If set to zero, no time limit is imposed.
Question on cron jobs:
I have set up a cron job like so:
00*** GET 'http://www.ladywig.com/index.php?main_page=sitemapxml'
according to instructions.
I do get a report in my email.
This report shows the source of sitemapxml.
My question is: is this being pinged to the 4 search engines?
When I go to Tools --> SitemapXML on step 1 I create sitemap and see it.
On step 2 I see results from search engines.
I am not seeing results from search engines in the cron job.
Once more:
Read http://www.sitemaps.org/ and you answer your questions.This Script generates an Sitemap as described here: http://www.sitemaps.org/
Andrew, thank you for your answer. Yes, I read http://www.sitemaps.org (before posting my questions) and I understand that:
- SitemapXML v.2 doesn't replace the Site Map facility as comes prepackaged in the existing Zen Cart ver. 1.3.8a
- SitemapXML v.2 is for submission to search engines only. It has no visual output component.
- SitemapXML v.2 doesn't support turning off selectively certain pages from sitemap. It does support other aspects per type of pages (e.g. Products vs. Cateogries vs. EZ-Pages).
Still, I wonder whether it would be better to have these two features merged (Zen Cart's visible site map with your XML based map).
BTW, I believe there is a bug in includes/modules/pages/sitemapxml/sitemapxml_ezpages.php line 93:
For EZ-Pages links that do not follow the typical URL ofPHP Code:
if ($link_base_url != $zen_SiteMapXML->base_url) {
$zen_SiteMapXML->message(sprintf(TEXT_ERRROR_EZPAGES_OUTOFBASE, $page_query->fields['alt_url'], $link) . ' -- ' . $link_base_url . ' != ' . $zen_SiteMapXML->base_url . '<br />', 'error');
$link = false;
But rather have an "external" link like:http://<domain.com>/store/index.php?main_page=page&id=3
The aforementioned line produces an error:http://<domain.com>/store/index.php?main_page=shippinginfo
When in fact the only difference between $link_base_url and $zen_SiteMapXML->base_url is a trailing slash.EZ-Page ignored (out of base url)
This results in not indexing all EZ-Pages, but rather only part of them.
I can probably fix the bug myself but I believe that you will do a better job, as you are the designer of this add on.
OK - here is my bug fix. I hope that you will find it useful.
I'm not getting the errors you were mentioning and my ez pages are set up the way you said would get an error.
When I click the button to create the sitemaps or to ping the search engines the page that pops up is completely black.
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