Against the amount for Shipping in the Your Total box on the Payment Information checkout page, the description reads:
"Request shipping quotation. Please provide me with your shipping quotation."

This description was extracted from includes/languages/engllish/modules/shipping/rfq.php, where
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_RFQ_TEXT_TITLE', 'Request shipping quotation.');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_RFQ_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', '(No product will be reserved until payment is received.)');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_RFQ_TEXT_WAY', 'Please provide me with your shipping quotation.');

What I want to do is reduce the description to only read
"Request shipping quotation."
which comprises only the define('MODULE_SHIPPING_RFQ_TEXT_TITLE' component
and not the MODULE_SHIPPING_RFQ_TEXT_WAY' component.

However, I have yet to find a way to do this. Help greatly appreciated.