I have cloned some shipping modules in the past but am afraid to screw this up as Featured Products appears in multiple ways and places.

I need a second Featured Products featured products box that appears in the center of the home page -- that I can configure in Admin as I do with current featured products.

Currently the home page of the site features 3 items per month in the main body of the home page (pre-set in admin/catalog/featured products) and 2 rotate in the sidebox module. This feature box is ITEMS FEATURED THIS MONTH

I need a second instance that works exactly the same way that is for items featured NEXT MONTH -- that will display just below the first.

Each needs a different Title heading (this month, next month) -- so I assume that cloning featured products is the way to go?

What specifically needs to be cloned from directories and/or database in order to make this work please?