This tutorial is for Zen Cart 1.3.8a and Wamp Server 2.0i.
Step 1:
- Download Setting up Zencart On WampServer 2.pdf
Download Zen Cart 1.3.8a.
Download Wamp 2.0i.
Step 2:
- Follow the steps in the .pdf tutorial to install wamp server.
Continue untill you hit Step 6 in "Setting up a root Password for WampServer".
Step 3:
- In step 6 in "Setting up a root Password for WampServer", in the file C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1\ you need to ADD!!! in the end of the file but before the ?> sign the following lines:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'd4uhpnfay9';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'd4uhpnf9';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = false;
You need to do this without converting the file to DOS format. UltraEdit can do the editing without the conversion, get it at
Continue untill you hit Step 12 in "Setting up a root Password for WampServer".
Step 4:
- There is no php_mcrypt extension on wamp 2.0i, it's integrated now so there is no need to specifically add it.
Continue untill you hit Step 4 in "Install Zencart 1.3.7 on your new WampServer"
Step 5:
- Use this address instead
Step 6:
- In the file C:\wamp\www\zencart\zc_install\includes\application_top.php change line 22 and add a"@" in the begining of the line, instead of:
You get:
Continue untill you hit Step 4 in "Install Zencart 1.3.7 on your new WampServer"
Step 7:
- We need to turn on ssl in apache.
left click wamp icon->Apache->Apache modules->ssl_module
Wait a minute or two.
I got stuck right after this step.
Step 8:
- Create a database for zen cart:
Open phpMyAdmin and goto Priviliges,
click "Add New User"
Username: zencart
Host: Change the drop box to Local and type localhost
Password: zencart
Check "Create database with same name and grant all privileges"
Select the following premissions:
- FILE (optional, but easiest to leave it checked)
- CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES (not required by the core code, but may be required by some addons)
- LOCK TABLES (required for database backups)
Press "Go"
So can someone help?