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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Default Blank Sidebox TPL file Apostrophe

    For exmaple:

    This is the file you put in your html, but if I put in text "What's New" the apostrophe throughs the file off and creates an error.

    So my question is how do you put in an apostrophe in a file like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    London, UK
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    Default Re: Blank Sidebox TPL file Apostrophe

    That's not a blank sidebox issue, it's a PHP one and will happen wherever you put the apostrophe. This is because the apostrophe is a special character (a string delimiter) in PHP.

    To insert a real apostrophe you need to "escape" it, i.e. tell PHP that it should treat it as normal text and not try to use it itself. You do this by preceding it with a backslash.

    For example, you could inset an apostrophe as follwoing in a language definition ...

    define("TEXT_WHATS_NEW", "What\'s New");
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    (Questions answered in the forum only - so that any forum member can benefit - not by personal message)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Default Re: Blank Sidebox TPL file Apostrophe

    I know it wasn't a problem with the blank side box I was just giving an example. Works great thank you!



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